Monday, December 14, 2009

Just a Reminder

We've noticed a lot of dares coming by way of comment and messenger. Please, send dares by e-mail. It makes it easier for Becky and I, keeps the comments clean, makes sure we don't forget, and other nice things.

In other news: Big finals coming up, so I may not be very active with dares for a couple days.

Also, A couple of you asked: Yes, my date went well, we had a good time, but no dares so nothing to report, and a lady doesn't kiss and tell.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Report: Birthday

Hey, sorry this is later than I expected. My parents surprised me and came up to celebrate my birthday today and I'm about to leave soon so this will have to be quick.

Okay, so I only got two points (thanks to all of you who voted no on Tom's point). Becky decided to go easy on me, and only make me roll the one dice. It landed 6, which wasn't my first choice, but it could've been worse. I eventually came up with a solution, however, that made it work. I wore a sports bra and sweat pants. Not the sexiest outfit ever, but nobody seemed to mind, and I still got some long looks from some of the boys so... It counts as a win.

We didn't go out, we stayed in and watched movies and had ice cream and cake and it was fun. Not a whole lot happened, although those long looks got longer once it got later and I got cold, especially ice cream. Most of you understand what I mean, the rest of you will when you're older. It was actually kind of fun. I personally pretended not to notice. Or tried to, until Becky decided to point it out. Then I couldn't pretend not to notice and had to pretend to not care, which got some interesting reactions but people moved on quickly. It got more fun as it got late and we were sleep deprived, which made the movies funnier, and we were all being giggley and flirty and silly.

Anyway, I need to run, seeing Tom tonight, which reminds me, none of you sent in dare competition ideas. Also, nobody sent in dares for Becky over finals (I think we got one)... is nobody reading anymore? Or just nobody interested in sending in dares? Are we too intimidating? Just curious.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Report: Library Scavenger Hunt

So this was a long dare that I got a while ago from Lizard and hadn't had the opportunity to do until tonight. I'm not going to repost the whole dare here, because its very long and I had to revise it a lot anyway. I wanted to also make sure I had an opportunity when the library would be empty.

Summary: Go to the library wearing a skirt, panties, bra, and a button down shirt. Then with a list of books, find each one with a specific task to do when you get there.

I had to make a note card of the tasks, as this was complicated. The original dare also had which books to get, but I had to change those due to library layout, and I actually had some books I needed for some finals.

I'm going to try and make sure to get it all in here.

First: go to the first book and take off your panties and leave them behind the book. This wasn't too hard, but kind of fun. I was on a floor almost to myself, so I wasn't worried.

Second: go to book two and take off your bra and leave it behind the book. This was harder, since the shirt I was wearing would make it possible to tell I wasn't wearing the bra (not obvious, but possible)

Third: Go back and fetch panties, carry them to the computers (I put them in my bag, since computers are right in front and I didn't need the whole library seeing).

Fourth: go look up three more books. This wasn't easy, since the computers were downstairs, and I had to leave my bra upstairs. Going down stairs without panties is also... nerve-wracking. Also, there were people there. I managed it with nothing bad happening, but my blood was definitely pumping now.

Fifth: go to the third book, put on the panties and unbutton the top three buttons of my blouse. This was nice to have my panties on, but if it wasn't obvious before, now it was obvious that I wasn't wearing a bra, fortunately, still almost entirely alone, so I was ok. The only people around where people going up to the next floor, or only coming on to grab a book and leaving.

Sixth: Go to the row with your fourth book, take off your skirt until you find it. This one was the hardest so far, obviously. I was terrified of this one, especially not thinking it through, this was not an aisle in the way back or anything, so potential discover was high. Fortunately, I was safe. at this point I was definitely feeling the adrenaline.

seven: once you found it, put on your skirt, unbutton another button on your shirt: Nice to have my skirt, back, now very very obvious I had no bra. As I was checking the list for the next task, I heard someone walk by and almost jumped out of my skin. I'm pretty sure they didn't see anything, because I think they would've reacted, but it still scared me.

eight: walk to the fifth book, button everything up, and then go to the second book and put your bra on. This was a little odd for me, to walk somewhere, rebutton, then walk away. Also, putting a bra back on is not as easy as taking it off. I had to unbutton after rebuttoning. For anyone who hasn't done it, standing topless in a library is a rush. More than lacking the skirt. I enjoyed it for a moment, then got dressed.

I grabbed my books and left. I then went home and masturbated. That was a big rush, not as big as the laundry, but a little less scary, although it would've been harder to explain if caught, so kind of on a level. Less scary at the time, and I didn't get caught, so less adrenaline that way. Definitely fun though. And now I need to go to bed, I'm exhausted and its late.

Make out gamble: second point

So this one was kind of accidental. Well, not accidental, but not my fault. Tom's fault. I was hanging out in his room, we were chilling surfing youtube, maybe a little minor friskiness. At one point someone he knew came in to drop off a couple books, and was chatting a bit and Tom at one point said "Hey, Isabelle needs to make out with people because she lost a bet" or however he phrased it and his friend was certainly not opposed and at first I thought he was kidding, and was moslty surprised. You know how you get surprised and you know something is true but you can't really admit it or believe people when they tell you, it was kind of like that. I hit Tom with a pillow too.

After a minute though, I figured I had the opportunity, and I needed points, and his friend was kind of cute, so what the hell. I couldn't stop laughing at first, but I finally did it. He was actually decent. Might've been better than Tom, but as far as I know does not have Tom's awesome hand skills (which Becky keeps threatening to tell him what I said). But compared to this weekends, much better, so I was happy. and point number two.

This is going to be another 2 post time, since I did another dare after I left Tom's.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dare Opportunities

I was going to put this in with the last post about the new date contest, but I decided to keep them separate just to make things easier. 

Classes will be ending soon and then we'll have finals. We'll be needing to do studying, but we should have some free time, especially after the first few. Becky, will also have some free time, and promised to at least do a couple dares before the end of the semester. So if you're sending in dares, you can include some for her, some for both of us, or some that are "if isabelle does this, becky has to do that" or vice versa.

So if you're looking for ideas, and I've gotten a few messages from people who are looking:

  • birthday party on friday
  • date and date contest on saturday
  • During finals period for Becky and me

Dare Upcoming: Another Date Contest

So, Tom and I are going on another date. This one is a little more real. Okay, the last one turned out to be pretty real, but this one is less originally just a friendly date. Okay, that might not make any sense. But whatever, you get the idea. Another date with a guy I like and had a great time with on our last date.

Also, Becky and I really enjoyed the date contest last time, so we're doing one again. I didn't want to do outfits this time, I wanted to change things up, so this time we're looking for suggestions of what to do. This is a little different than the outfit, since its a lot more flexible, and it needs to be something Tom would like too. So, ideally something fun over something romantic (I know its a real date this time, but we're more looking for fun than romance, so whatever). Feel free to be creative, and it can easily be something normal with a twist, like going out to a movie again, but doing something like dancing to the soundtrack in the aisles (bad example, but you get the idea, something that wont piss other people off hopefully, like trying to sneak into another movie afterwards and seeing how many we can see in one night).

Date is probably saturday, I'm going to be hanging out with Tom tonight so we may discuss more then. Prize is the same, guaranteed dare to be done on the date. And like before dares outside of the contest are also okay.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Report: Make out gamble 1st point.

Okay, I guess since nobody posted in favor of my make out with Tom counting, Becky wins and I hate all of you. I'm so mad that I'm shutting down this blog forever. Just kidding.

I'm still a little disappointed, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Anyway, a couple things:

First, Cur proposed some changes to the gamble (thank you soo much).

Before I talk about these changes, I'm feeling kind of sarcastic right now, I'm not feeling mean, not even cranky, just... sarcastic. Its not that I don't love all of you, just that every now and then I can be a bitch. Its a constitutional right for all american women.

So anyway, helpful changes.

Cur proposed that Becky wear the following outfit: shoes, short(ish) skirt, stocking/garter belt, top, bra and panties.

Then, for each item I get to wear at my birthday, she can either choose to let me pick the item, or take off one of her items and make me roll a dice to get a random item. The dice/items are as follows:
1) Shoes
2) Stockings/Garter Belt
3) Skirt
4) Panties
5) Top
6) Bra

Becky has already decided that at minimum one item will be random, since she has no problem not wearing stockings or a garter belt. Lucky me. That means I need at least two makeouts, since no matter what, one item from that list will not be enough.

With that in mind, I have a report (this post may be long, I'll try and keep it short but there are a few things)

I got one make out point last night. It was at a generic weekend event where I can never really figure out the point, just people getting together and listening to loud music and drink and so forth. I'm not big on those sorts of things, but I figured it was an easy opportunity, and I could remain fairly anonymous. This was a good and a bad idea. The hard part was mostly finding someone available. I wanted someone off to the side, not in the visible middle, but I also wanted someone not drunk because I wanted to avoid the taste and general grossness. Tip to boys: drunk is not sexy. The guy I eventually found had had a few, but was not drunk, seemed kind of socially awkward type and was kind of just sitting by the wall staring at people. I tried to play a little drunk (I suck at it, I need tips). and flirted with him for a minute before going in for the kiss. It was really easy, but he was terrible. I don't know if it was inexperience or the booze or surprise or what but he was not a good kisser. I pretty much took off soon after. I had originally thought I might try to get a few, but that kind of put me off.

One other thing though, at the party there was a girl who I don't know but I've seen around. She had this awesome gothic dress (or matching skirt and top, not sure, couldn't see her too well) that was just absolutely sexy. I want one. Or maybe a dozen. It was kind of like the stuff you see in hot topic, but quality instead of cheap crap, and less emo skanky and more classy sexy. Definitely hot. Does anyone know where to find this kind of stuff? If so, please please please let me know, I totally want.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Report: Movie Date

So I had an awesome night. I just got back and I guess it was a good thing I gave warning I might not be able to post until the morning, although I'd thought it might just be because I would be tired when I got back and want to sleep.

So Tom (my date) arrived around 6:30, Becky had mostly finished laughing at my outfit, but she started up when he saw it and was trying to react. I told him it was late in the semester, we're going to see crappy movies, and I was felt like doing something fun. I tried not to make it sound sexual, but in that outfit I think anything I said would've sounded sexual. I was also pretty damn horny from the edges, so that might've not been helping.

We went to see 2012 after all. The crowds going into twilight were enough that I didn't want to go see it. Theres something about a bunch of people who love the movie that ruins a crappy movie. Especially when a bunch of those people were middle aged women who already gave me dirty looks.

2012 was crap. Absolutely. It was also a bit boring, which wasn't so good because it wasn't distracting, so I was just sitting there horny and nervous. I couldn't sit still. Tom and I were talking about the movie a lot, and making fun of it, so that helped a little.

At one point near the beginning of the end (when everything starts falling apart) I mentioned that the movie couldn't even make stuff blowing up exciting (this was part of my plan for the dare). He said that he was impressed that they could make giant explosions boring, which was what I was hoping he'd say. My plan was to say something awesome like "well, lets find something else fun and exciting until the explosions are done" when I pulled his hand over for the dare, but I was way too nervous. My heart was beating huge and I couldn't breathe. And I was really horny. My brain does not work in those conditions. Eventually I managed to grab his hand and draw it over (which was hard cause my hand was shaking) and put it on my leg just at under the hem of my skirt and say something like "is this better?" I nearly jumped when his hand made contact, even though it was my fault.

He looked over at me for a second then smiled and looked back at the movie. I thought he thought I was joking until he started moving his hand. He has really nice hands. He kind of rubbed and ran his fingers along my thigh and I have no idea what happened in the movie after that point. They did keep rising, slowly, which was good and bad. I liked that he was being a gentleman, but on the other hand I was so horny I wanted to jump him right there. He must've known I was enjoying it because I was having trouble sitting still and staying quiet, especially when he got pretty high on my leg. I'm sure he was enjoying himself too.

When the movie ended I made him take me out for ice cream. He seemed surprised and asked if thats what I wanted to do now (I think he thought I had other intentions, which at that point I did). I tried making up some reason but apparently I lie like shit when I'm horny. I broke down and explained that I had a bet with Becky about making out with people, and I was trying to stall him until after midnight so it would count when I made out with him. He looked shocked at first, but laughed all the way to Friendly's. I was glad he took it well, because I figured that the "I want to make out with you" in addition to "I also plan to do lots of making out this week" with my outfit and what happened in the movie theater (and the thoughts running through my head) I'm sure I seemed like a complete slut.

Ice cream was good, he teased me about the make out thing and we talked and I couldn't sit still but it was fun and I couldn't stop laughing. I must've seemed drunk or high or both. Writing about this all now is a little embarrassing.

So we went back to his room after ice cream (I know what you're thinking, I was thinking it too). I was still really nervous but so giggly and horny and so many things I really wasn't sure what you'd call it. It was like 11:30 or something when we got back and he started to kiss me as soon as his door was closed and at first I went right along with it and then I was like, "its not midnight yet" and he said something sexy like "close enough" or maybe he didn't and I just imagined it but we were making out and did I mention he has amazingly good hands. The thin shirt did not stay buttoned for long, and I'm still distracted from writing thinking about his hands on me. He was a decent kisser but his hands were so awesome. It might just be how horny I was, but if he ever wants to use those hands on me again, my answer is yes please (although I'm not telling him that, and Becky is totally not allowed to either).

I feel like I shouldn't be writing about all this, and I'd intended to stop sooner, but I am getting horny just retelling it. I'm going to stop though because I feel like I should respect his privacy, but I think it says enough that I got back just a little bit ago and now I need to get ready for class.

Oh, and I need to ask: does that kiss count for my gamble? Becky says no since it was before the Friday but I say it was close enough. I agreed we could let you all decide. I'm not going to put up a poll or anything, just comments and if any of you agree with me I'm calling it a win for me and she can shut up! Okay, I'm still hyper and horny and I have class! so Bye!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Update: Date Contest

So we have a winner: Mr. M

The outfit: I will be wearing a thin white blouse, black lacy bra, short-ish skirt, nude nylons, and nice black shoes.

The dare: Roll a dice and edge that many times, the last one right before the date. Edge one last time after we find our seats (in the bathroom, not in the theater!). If things are going well, then during the movie place his hand on my thigh and encourage it to go up.

Okay, the outfit isn't bad, I had to dig out my nylons since I don't usually use them. The rest was easy enough to do with what I had, although the top Becky choose for my "thin white blouse" is rather thin, and the bra is very noticeable. A little less thin and it would be sexy but fine, any more thin and I should be hanging out under street lamps. This is somewhat on the border, although I might just be saying that because I don't want to admit I'll be dressed for street lamps.

I rolled a 5 on the dare, and I've already done one. The original dare said for it to start the morning of but the winner wasn't picked until now because Becky wanted to give people as much time as they could, so I'm a little rushed. That does not make edging easy, by the way. And horny, in that outfit... someone might be in for trouble. Especially with the second part of the dare, I think that someone might be me. I'm a little extra pissed at Becky for not letting the gamble dare start tonight. Feel free to send me dares that involve me killing her a little.

I'll try to post again tonight after the date, but it might not be until tomorrow morning. Not because of the reasons you're thinking, I may be dressed like a slut but it doesn't mean I have to act like one, although the dare means I kind of do so... Anyway, racing thoughts aside, I'm just saying I might not get to a post until tomorrow morning, for whatever reason. I've still got plenty of time before the movie, so I've got time for the first part of my dare, and I'll probably be online, so send me some good luck wishes!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dare Upcoming: Birthday Make-Out Gamble

So this is another one from an email.

The Dare: Choose a stretch of time to make out with as many people as you can. (People you've ever kissed before don't count.) Then, on a predetermined day or evening after that, you have to spend the whole day/evening wearing the same number of articles of clothing as people you kissed.

We decided to do one week, from this Friday to next Friday, for two reasons, one my birthday is next Friday, and I'm having a small part Friday night so that makes it perfect for the end of the dare, and because Becky is a bitch and wanted to start it this Friday so it was a day AFTER my date and I couldn't use my date for points. And, since I can't repeat kiss someone, I cant prime him on the date and then use him again.

Note to all people giving dares: If there is a subtle way Becky can be mean about it, but I wont realize it until after she convinces me to accept the dare, she will definitely push for that dare.

Anyway, I'm posting this now because I wanted to ask for help on this one. I'm normally pretty shy around people, at least those I don't know very well. I've never been one to have surprise makeouts, except once in middle school. So I'm looking for help. How does one go about this? I can't just walk up to people and say "hey, wanna make out?". Okay, I can, but thats not my first choice.

UPDATE: Just because it has come up... It has to be a full make out, not just a quick kiss.

UPDATE: Some of you asked: Feel free to send in other dares for my birthday party. I'll let you know when there are final plans, but right now it "something casual Friday night, December 11th". Probably hanging out with cake, maybe going out for ice cream.

Report: Flossed in the Library

So this was a dare I got a while ago from Crazydareooo that I never got around to, but always meant to.

the dare: Next time you will be stacking shelves at work, take a piece of dental floss, tie it to one shoulder (over the top and under your armpit) then take it down, through your legs, up your back and tie it to the other shoulder. It should be reasonably tight and should sit between your pussy lips.

This one took a little work to set up, but Becky and I managed it. At first it was a little weird, but I got used to it pretty quickly, until I tried moving. Moving is really weird. Also, sitting at the info desk is also weird, because every time I shift my position, it changes how things happen, but when I'm sitting still its not a big thing. So I'd kind of forget about it, and then lean down to get something from my bag and get a tug and a surprise.

Shelving books was also strange. I have to stretch a lot, since I'm pretty short, and that would pull the floss in interesting ways. Also, I was paranoid about my shirt rising when I was dealing with books in case someone noticed. Nobody did though. I don't know how I would've explained that one.

It was kind of a turn-on, at times, but also weird and distracting so not completely a turn-on. I enjoyed it more once I'd had it on for a while and gotten used to it, especially once I started to figure out how certain movements affected it ;-)