Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How to Dare Isabelle

I'm going to be working on this for a little bit, and updating it as things come up, and eventually Becky will get off her ass and make one too. Please make suggestions or ask questions for things to add on here.

To send me a dare
Email it to Put in the subject "Isabelly [category] dare:" and then a breif description. Becky and I are going to set up some filter things in gmail and then this will make everything easier and I will love you forever.

So category is not a type of dare, like pain or bondage or whatever, but the setting really, like library or class or alone in the dorm. I'm going to put a list of categories and add to it as time goes on from new ideas and suggestions if you have them. Then when I have an opportunity coming up, I will take a random dare and do it. Please be realistic about dares (I'm not going to work naked) but also make it worth while, since I will not be doing them all the time.
Some categories:
  • Work (I work at a library)
  • Class
  • Singing Group (I sing with a student a capella group, we meet weekly to practice, I don't think I'll do dares during concerts)
  • Library (not during work)
  • Laundry
  • Gym
  • Pool (there is one in the gym)
  • Alone in the dorm (becky counts as alone, alone means not with people who aren't involved)
  • Going out shopping
  • Going out for food
  • Dining hall
  • Going on a Date
  • Hanging out with Friends
  • Outdoors
Thats all I can think of for now.

Types of dares:
I haven't decided on what to put here yet. I do like risky dares (risky like dice or polls, more than risky like I need to not get caught, but both are good)
I do not have lingerie or toys because I never got around to buying any, and never got much replies from the request for suggestions when I posted one. Feel free to suggest (cheap)

I will add more categories and info here when I think of things to add. Feel free to make suggestions.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Still kicking

Okay, so update for everyone. I'm also going to post on get dare, and hopefully someone over there might make suggestions.

Here is what I'm currently thinking about how to move forward:

I ran into a few problems with dares, not practical, not enough time, not enough information, etc. You can read my last post with the comments to get caught up on some of what I dealt with.

Here is what we're thinking of doing:
Becky and I will each post a dare profile. Important info, likes, time restrictions, and potential dare categories, things like Laundry, class, shopping, date, travel, so on. Send us any dares you like for categories, and when we have the opportunity we will pick one, maybe at random, maybe the other one picks, we're still working out some of the details.

This will hopefully give us plenty of time for asking questions and get rid of the scheduling problems and practicality issues.

Not sure how interactive dares will work in, dares with things like polls. We may see what happens, or skip them, or if you have suggestions let us know.

We'll hopefully figure the rest of this out very soon and post up a real finished plan, but we wanted to get input. Any thoughts?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Not Dead

I'm not dead, sorry about my long disappearance. After the holidays, going back to school, new semester, etc. I was swamped. I'm a little less swamped now.

Towards what you're all interested in: I would like to continue my blog, I think. I'm kind of mulling over things. Here're my thoughts: I don't have time to be as active as I was, and doing a lot of little dares isn't as possible now. Also, I'm worried that nobody reads this any more, readers seemed to be dwindling before the holidays, and its not as fun without multiple readers (can't do things like the contests and polls). Also, it seemed people had a hard time writing dares without more detailed knowledge of what was going on in my life, but on the other hand I can't keep everyone fully informed. The other problem was picking the dares. Some were impractical, some were more complicated, some got put off until a better opportunity and then forgotten, I didn't get to do half the dares I wanted to do, and half the dares I got I just couldn't do.

A few ideas I've had are doing occasional big dares rather than many small ones, posting opportunities for dares (although this didn't always work before), taking random dares, etc.

Anyway, if anyone is still reading, do you have ideas? I'd like to keep up with this, and Becky and I were talking about how, but we're not sure how to go forward, and any of you out there, we'd love suggestions. thanks.