Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How to Dare Becky

Just like we had a How to Dare Isabelle, we now have a how to dare Becky. Or we will, when we finish typing it. We will be updating it just like the Isabelle one when we can, so feel free to ask questions or make suggestions.

To send Becky a dare:
we're going to use the same email address, which we probably should've thought about when we named it after Isabelle, but whatever. Also, writing with we's and third persons is also kind of weird, but we're trying something new. Anyway, to dare Becky, send us an email at with the subject of "Becky [category] Dare:" with then a short name for the dare.

Categories work the same way as with Isabelle, but Becky has a different schedule, so there are different categories. Unlike Isabelle, she does not have much free time, since she had to be a smarty and be a biochem major.
Some Categories:
  • Class
  • Library (she spends a ton of time in the library)
  • Lab (not much flexibility here, but maybe you'll think of something)
  • Group work (working on lab reports with other people, so on)
  • Laundry
  • Gym or Pool (She doesn't go as often as Isabelle, but easily could go for a dare)
  • Alone in the Dorm (alone or with Isabelle)
  • Shopping
  • going out for food
  • Dining hall
  • Dating
  • Hanging out with Friends
  • Outdoors
We will try to add more if we can.

Types of dares:
Keep in mind Becky's schedule. Dares like some of Isabelles that require prep and time commitment will not be able to be done as often. Anything that she can do multi-tasking would be best, like passive dares what she can do work during, like doing homework naked for example. She will have time to do other active dares, just less. Achievement based dares are also ones she would like, kind of like Isabelle's games dares, but more like "if you get an A on your test, do this, if you get a B, that, an F, this" or "if your lab group finishes early" or whatever. Motivating dares. Not that she needs motivation all the time, but these are obviously going to be able to be done often, since she always has homework and tests and all.

More to come when we can think of it

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dare done: Kissing Guess Contest

So I received this dare in the email: Wear a skirt, panties, bra and a top. Find three guys of your choice willing to play along. Blindfolded, kiss each one. Guess which is which. For each incorrect guess, remove an item of clothing. For each correct guess, Becky removes an item. Stay that way for a reasonable amount of time.

So first of all... I didn't post an upcoming post and we might not be doing that so much any more with the new way of doing things, not sure. But, I'll give you what my reactions to the dare were anyway because I know some of you really like that part.

First off, scary. Much scarier than most of the dares I've done, even scarier than the laundry (not sure about the library one). I did like finally getting to drag Becky into it, serves her right.

Still, scary, and I know we were going for bigger dares, but I was kind of hoping for less scary to start. This one sounded really fun to read, but looking at dares tonight and hearing "we should do this one" was a bit... wowie.

Anyway, so. We picked a couple friends of ours who actually live in a triple, so that was partially convenience. They aren't really my type I normally pick to kiss, but they were definitely the type to go along with an idea like this without questioning it or going crazy with it, so that was a benefit. We told them we had a bet, that I couldn't tell who was who by kissing. They were totally down with it.

Dares are scary to read and imagine. being about to do them is harder. Being about to do them while four people are sitting there waiting is even worse than that. Its like, the laundry was risk, this was guaranteed. Throw on the blindfold, so you can't see... Blindfolds are awesome. Never really played with them before, but not being able to see is scary and exciting and just awesome.

I'm getting re-excited just thinking about this. Anyway. First guy, I got wrong. I took off my shirt. Becky and I had decided on an order for what we took off, rather than letting them choose. The dare didn't specify (lesson to dare writers, be specific if it matters to you. If you don't like it, we have an idea I'll talk about at the end). The bra I had on was red with a bunch of lace. It was a pretty one, I didn't want to wear ugly undies if they were going to get shown off. Sometime, someone needs to explain it to me. I can wear a bikini top and not be shy, but wearing just a bra, even if it covers as much (not a skimpy or transparent bra) gets the adrenaline going. Why is that?

Anyway, number two, also wrong. I think Becky cheated and had the same person go again or something, but theres no way to know. I tried guessing based on how I'd assume they'd kiss but I guess either they were kissing not normally, or I'm just really bad at guessing how people would kiss. Anyway, skirt was off, to cheering. So I was standing there in my bra and panties.

Third one was the make or break. Fortunately I got it right, only discovering the trick on the last one: smell. Maybe it was just easier on the last guy, who definitely smelled different (shampoo or whatever) but was actually also a much better kisser. Or maybe it was luck, what do I know. Anyway, that was Becky's shirt, which was like "finally small revenge" for me, but a mixed bag from out friends who were kind of hoping for me to lose number three I think, but I don't think they have grounds to complain too much. We hung out for a while longer and chatted before we came back. It got easier to hang out in my underwear later, but never quite easy with everyone staring at me. That got easier when the blindfold came off actually, because when its on, not only do you think everyone is staring at you, but you cant help but wonder if your clothes are see through or something. Its a little bit more comfortable when you can tell when they're staring and what they're seeing.

We need to figure out how to post reviews for dares we do together. Maybe it will just be the main person who posts with some comments from the other. Becky said it was definitely fun to add some risk to her side, and actually enjoyed having to take her shirt off. I don't know if she got the same excitement out of it as I did, but she did say she enjoyed it and would do it again.

So here is something we're going to try, and if it works well, we'll add it to other dares. If you think I did very well in the dare, and want to reward me, post a comment with a small reward below. If I did badly, post a punishment. Good or bad means beyond the expectations. So for example, if I had picked an order for the removal of clothes that you thought was good, or got all three right, or whatever, you could post a reward (basically needs to be for more than just accomplishment). If I did badly (like if I cheated and peeked from under the blindfold, or if you didn't like that we preplanned the order of clothes) you can post a small punishment. Small is basically something that can be done in a few minutes (masturbating, spanking) or something that makes the next dare slightly easier or harder (allowed to re-roll one dice, can't wear a bra, whatever). Entirely up to you, but we really like the interactive parts of this.

And tomorrow, hopefully, we'll have how to dare Becky up.

Update to my how to dare

Lot of posts going up tonight, first was an update, added a category to my how to post for me "hanging out with friends" because we had a couple dares that didn't fit other categories, as you will see soon when I get around to posting it in a few minutes (lots going up tonight)