Sunday, December 12, 2010

Done: Birthday Dares

So I had a few dares. I kind of had to abandon the to-do list idea. Also, I'm going to try and aim for simpler dares. As much as I liked the to do list, doing multiple dares at once and trying to balance them, it doesn't go as well. Series dares, like the dates, are a lot of fun, but don't always end up going as planned, like in this case, where there was going to be a culmination dare on the birthday but we hadn't gotten that far yet, so...

Anyway, dares that I had:

Get someone to teach me to do a body shot.

Wear no bra or panties until I got dressed for going out, when I had to open your dorm room door completely, walk to the other side of the room and strip out of your clothes. Once in your birthday suit you may go and close the door.

At the party, you may not get your own drinks; you must have someone else bring them to you. For their service, male or female, you must reward them with a kiss. The first time, a kiss on the cheek, but if they bring you a second drink then a kiss on the lips. If someone earns 5 kisses, then you must take off your panties. If you are wearing a skirt (and you should unless it is just too cold) then you cannot use the bathroom to do so. If you wear jeans, then you can use the bath, but you must leave the zipper down until someone notices.

The no bra or panties wasn't a big deal, since it was a weekend, I usually spend a lot of time in pjs anyway, so I was wearing sweatpants and a tshirt and sweatshirt anyway. Comfy, if not super sexy, but whatever.

The getting dressed one... well... a bit pushy but not too bad. I think I pulled it off. I went into my room and closed the door as I was walking in, but didn't close it all the way and let it swing back open, I tried to make it look like an accidentally left open thing, although I don't know if I did, but then nobody was watching at the time to see the act anyway, but it made me feel better. I took my time undressing. I didn't have a lot to take off, so I folded everything as I took it off. I faced away from the door, partially because I didn't want to face it for obvious reasons, but also because I wanted to be able to pretend I didn't know it was open, and because I didn't know how much it had swung open and not knowing was kind of fun.

I don't know if anyone saw anything, but I'm pretty sure someone walked past while I was naked, but I don't know if they looked in as they went past or not. I don't know if others walked by, I heard some people in the hall, but I don't know if they walked past. Not knowing made it exciting, but I kind of wish that I'd had Becky watching or something, just so I could know after. Although not being able to know and having to wonder when I see people in the hall is also kind of fun.

I eventually turned around, after about a minute or two naked, and did a "holy shit!" and ran and closed the door. It felt a little fake to me, but at least if someone had been watching right then I could've pretended to be actually surprised or something. Once the door was closed I couldn't stop laughing.

We did the party on-campus, because on a saturday night everything is crowded and I like being able to talk to and hear my friends and all. I dressed up, half for birthday, half because I wanted to wear a skirt for the other dare instead of doing the fly thing. Which means staying in was also good, because outside is cold.

The kissing wasn't hard at all. The first few were easy, and after that I had gotten a little tipsy and I was being flirty anyway. I gave out a couple after the "thanks, kiss of gratitude" got a couple people to play along and find other ways to get them. But I got a free back rub out of it, and extra candy, so I'm not complaining. I may have given out a couple for compliments or being people I liked, haha. Also, I don't remember quite how it got started, but at some point I was demanding hugs from people randomly, and some may have gotten mixed in. It never got to a point where I had to take off my panties.

I did get someone to show me the body shot, although I didn't realize there were two ways to do it. I knew about the drinking out of the belly button thing. But apparently you also do it by licking the other person, salting where you licked, licking the salt, and then taking a drink. You're supposed to do it with lime, but we didn't have any so we skipped that. The guy who showed me was going to do it off my neck at the collar, but went for my cleavage when the time came, right along the top. It was surprising, which was fun, and I like bold, so I went with it, although back fired cause I got a little salt in my bra which is really annoying.

He offered to let me do the belly button one off him, but guys have hairy bellys and I didn't want to drink out of some guy's hair, so I made Becky let me do it. That got a couple cheers when she agreed (took a minute of convincing). It really didn't work so well cause the two of us were laughing too hard. We had to try a twice, and I still kinda messed it up and ended up making a bit of a mess. After that I couldn't stop laughing.

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