Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Becky and the Popcorn Dare

I just got back from finally doing the popcorn dare. Finally, right?

The winner was me, obviously, the outfit was the white shirt/black panties from the shower.

The shower was torture. It's like, the last meal before execution, you wonder why the condemned doesn't order a ton of food and eat forever. Not that I was going to die, but I did take the longest shower ever. My toes were pruney before I got out, and then I dried off not thinking about it, so I hopped back in for a minute. The dare was not to be wet, (wet hair) but we figured I should still be a little damp. I was pretty nervous coming out of the shower.

When I got back to my room I quickly got dressed, or half-dressed as the case may be. The black panties weren't a big deal. The no pants wasn't even that big a deal, the shirt didn't go down very far, but I was wearing panties and they weren't too bad, so I could ration my way through it. It was the wet shirt. More specifically, the wet nipples. Slightly dried though I was, it wasn't enough for a white t-shirt, especially a fitted one.

So I hurried down the hall into the kitchen. Nobody saw. But standing in the kitchen, waiting for the first popcorn to finish, was quite interesting. Firstly, it was cold. I was wet, and had no pants, so not surprising. But secondly, and more importantly, it was trapping. It was like being in a cage, with no bars. Perhaps a description of the kitchen would be appropriate. It is a small room, with a sink, a vending machine, a microwave, a stove, and about 8 square feet of space. And it is open to the hallway, and anyone walking past can see in. I felt like a bird in a cage, and watching the timer going down on the microwave was killer.

As the first bag was finishing and I was turning around to swap them, I saw a guy walk past. And then walk back and do a double take. Which was funny. And horribly rude, and chauvinistic. And a little flattering. I crossed my arms over my chest when I saw him walk back, but he did a look over, which was more extreme version of all three. I was too surprised to really say anything. I was hyper and horny already, and then angry and amused and everything on top, and I didn't really know what to say. So I just said "Hi" and turned around to put the second bag in and try and collect my thoughts. I could almost feel him doing another look over. I'm sure I was blushing.

He stuck around to talk for a minute. He led off with a "forgot your pants?" which was so dumb it was a little bit of a turn off, but I explained I was just rushing to make popcorn for movies. He made a sort of clever, "do you need to borrow my pants? I'm sure you could get into them" which was still dumb, but at least clever enough and I was hyper enough to laugh. We chatted for a bit more until the popcorn was finished and I ran into my room to hyperventilate and watch the movie with Isabelle.

I'll admit it. I liked this one.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Sorry about the long break. Midterms, then Spring break, you know how it goes. Anyway, will be done getting back settled in soon and hitting that big list of "hurry up and do these already". Sorry for the wait

Monday, March 7, 2011

Punishment dare: Unbuttoned studying

So this came last week, but I've been busy. Still am busy, but winding down, I'll be done over the next couple days, but then its spring break, so I won't be posting a lot either. Sorry, Life. I think we'll have to bump my dare frequency back up to two weeks. I'll try to do them every week, but its just not realistic all the time.

So this was the dare: Wearing just a button down dress, study in one of the dorm lounges. Roll a die every 10 minutes, undo that many buttons from the top. If I roll higher than I have buttons left, then thats the end of that. Then I call Becky, and masturbate while talking to her on the phone. Roll every minute, and undo that many buttons, unless I roll higher than I have left again, in that case done entirely.

So it took me a while to actually figure this dare out, but I managed to get it. Never a dare I would have picked, too scary, but thats the whole punishment dare thing. I hadn't done one in my time period, so a blog master sent me this one.

I wore the same dress as the mall buttons dare, 7 buttons and a belt, and probably the dress I'll wear for the unbuttoning date dare I still have to do (maybe tonight if I get enough done, maybe not).

So I did this one late last night. I figured late on a sunday night, most people wouldn't be wandering around.

So I brought homework that I didn't really have to focus on, since I wasn't going to be able to focus anyway. I went down into the basement lounge. Its right by the laundry machines, but I figured people wouldn't be doing much laundry at that time, and even if they were, it might still be less people than otherwise. I turned one of the couches so it was facing away from the door anyway, just in case.

The first ten minutes were a little fine. Kind of nervous, but tolerable, a little exciting. I rolled the dice a few times just for practice, just to see what it might feel like to get the numbers I rolled. At 10 minutes I rolled for real and got a 2. No big deal. I unbuttoned the two. I was a little exposed, and if someone were at the right angle, they'd get a show, but I was facing away, I don't think anyone would even notice. But it made me feel a little extra sexy, and I actually got some good work done and was feeling good.

Ten minutes later, though, I roll a 4. No more "not a big deal". That was all but the bottom button undone. The belt kept it together around the waist, but it was open and exposed (and chilly) up top. I kind of regretted turning the couch around at this point, I was a little too safe, but after thinking about it for a minute or two, someone actually came through. I was too scared to turn around to look, but I could see out of the corner of my eye as they walked through it looked like someone doing laundry. Fortunately, I didn't think I'd still be here by the time they got back. I don't think they noticed anything, but it did get my heart racing a bit. I kept imagining what that would've been like if I hadn't been facing away. Even if I held the dress closed, it would've been pretty obvious. I kind of imagined all the different ways it could've gone in my head. It was a bit of a rush, I might have skipped ahead to practice the masturbating bit for a moment or two. Which almost scared the shit out of me when laundry person came back through, and I stopped and tried to look like I was doing homework.

Next roll was a 5, which meant I call Becky. I didn't think of it before, but theres crappy reception in the basement, but it wasn't a problem. I was already pretty psyched and horny by the time I called her, and masturbating on the phone didn't help. If someone had walked through at that point, it would've been pretty obvious something was up. But nobody did. One minute in I rolled a three and was done. I was so excited and on edge that I just picked up my stuff and ran back to my room, didn't bother to button up (I did hold it closed and had stuff infront of me, so no big deal). Went right back to my room to "finish the job"

Bit of a rush, but it was pretty safe, so not as bad as I thought when I read the dare, turning the couch did that one, if I had been in view, the dare would've gone a lot differently. Depending on who that laundry person was, that could've been really bad (or really good ;-)). Either way, really got me in the mood and I want to do the unbuttoning date dare soon now. Stupid midterms.