Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Becky and the Popcorn Dare

I just got back from finally doing the popcorn dare. Finally, right?

The winner was me, obviously, the outfit was the white shirt/black panties from the shower.

The shower was torture. It's like, the last meal before execution, you wonder why the condemned doesn't order a ton of food and eat forever. Not that I was going to die, but I did take the longest shower ever. My toes were pruney before I got out, and then I dried off not thinking about it, so I hopped back in for a minute. The dare was not to be wet, (wet hair) but we figured I should still be a little damp. I was pretty nervous coming out of the shower.

When I got back to my room I quickly got dressed, or half-dressed as the case may be. The black panties weren't a big deal. The no pants wasn't even that big a deal, the shirt didn't go down very far, but I was wearing panties and they weren't too bad, so I could ration my way through it. It was the wet shirt. More specifically, the wet nipples. Slightly dried though I was, it wasn't enough for a white t-shirt, especially a fitted one.

So I hurried down the hall into the kitchen. Nobody saw. But standing in the kitchen, waiting for the first popcorn to finish, was quite interesting. Firstly, it was cold. I was wet, and had no pants, so not surprising. But secondly, and more importantly, it was trapping. It was like being in a cage, with no bars. Perhaps a description of the kitchen would be appropriate. It is a small room, with a sink, a vending machine, a microwave, a stove, and about 8 square feet of space. And it is open to the hallway, and anyone walking past can see in. I felt like a bird in a cage, and watching the timer going down on the microwave was killer.

As the first bag was finishing and I was turning around to swap them, I saw a guy walk past. And then walk back and do a double take. Which was funny. And horribly rude, and chauvinistic. And a little flattering. I crossed my arms over my chest when I saw him walk back, but he did a look over, which was more extreme version of all three. I was too surprised to really say anything. I was hyper and horny already, and then angry and amused and everything on top, and I didn't really know what to say. So I just said "Hi" and turned around to put the second bag in and try and collect my thoughts. I could almost feel him doing another look over. I'm sure I was blushing.

He stuck around to talk for a minute. He led off with a "forgot your pants?" which was so dumb it was a little bit of a turn off, but I explained I was just rushing to make popcorn for movies. He made a sort of clever, "do you need to borrow my pants? I'm sure you could get into them" which was still dumb, but at least clever enough and I was hyper enough to laugh. We chatted for a bit more until the popcorn was finished and I ran into my room to hyperventilate and watch the movie with Isabelle.

I'll admit it. I liked this one.


  1. Wow, went off just like I hoped. Awesome job!

  2. Very nice. For someone who started off pretty shy (or so it seemed to me) you've come a long way.
