Thursday, December 2, 2010

Upcoming: Date Dare Step 4 (I think)

Okay, so this is the follow up from the last one. I have to try and convince Brad to go for one of the fantasies. The reason I needed three was because of how this one is going. The original dare was to have you guys vote on mine to get him to do, but one of the dangers of doing a series dare is that someone keeps adjusting it on me.

So, you get to pick one of mine and one of his. I'm going to make a poll, and you can vote, top in each group wins. I will ask him to do mine, and in exchange I'll do his.

A couple notes: I do not have a topless bar. So if that one wins... I don't know what we'll do. have him come to my room and serve him drinks topless or something, I don't know. Suggestions?

Some of the fantasies (two of them) require a third person. His threesome fantasy and the blowjob fantasy. Especially the blowjob fantasy may be hard to pull off. I don't know if we could find a guy, or if Brad would go for it. The threesome one, I know what you're all thinking, and it isn't likely. Becky and I are both straight, and convincing Becky probably wouldn't be easier than convincing someone else. Its my dare, so as long as I could convince someone, I... I don't know if I'd go through with it, but its not Becky's dare. We're holding off judgment in case it wins, but I'm not sure. Either I'm going to have to do a huge dare to convince Becky (and there's one or two thats been sitting by that might fit, if she could be convinced) or I'd have to find someone else, or we'd water it down a little, like "three person underwear make out party or something. Maybe suggestions?

Just warnings on those two if they win. Dares or suggestions relating to any or all are still welcome. Third post coming too, and the polls.

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