Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Blog Masters

So we've mostly contacted some people to be blog masters. A couple responded, we may look for more if other good darers prove themselves. Just to explain how this is going to work.

How to become a blog master:
Be a good, consistent darer, if we like what you send, we'll probably invite you. That simple

How it works:
If we're getting close to a deadline, like a birthday dare or something, without dares, we'll email the blog masters. They will provide us dares. We will do them. Its a trade, in exchange for being on call, we will do the dares we receive, rather than pick and choose like we normally do.

Also, we will occasionally send out requests. "We're in the mood for these types of dares" or "we really want a dare for this" or "we're putting up a poll, need a fourth idea". These special requests will go out only to the blog masters.

Third, if I haven't posted a dare in 14 days (2 weeks), I will do any dare that a blog master sends, as soon as possible. Same goes for Becky, but she gets 4 weeks, since she's busier.

Blog Masters can request more perks, and we will probably say OK.

How to not be a blog master:
Bug us asking to be a blog master, ask for pics, or never reply to blog master requests.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Quick note

Its been a while since I've posted, sorry, I'm not dead yet. Its end of semester and holidays. We'll probably be taking a short break and figuring out some changes on how we do things and we'll get back into the fun after we survive the holidays.

Happy Holidays people!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Date Dare Series Poll Winners

We have the two winners: Public Strip High/Low card game, and the Seductive Strip Tease. These need to be offered as a package to Brad. Once I figure out how, I will.

Just announcing the winners so I can take the polls down, and let people know and make comments, suggestions, dares, the normal.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Done: Birthday Dares

So I had a few dares. I kind of had to abandon the to-do list idea. Also, I'm going to try and aim for simpler dares. As much as I liked the to do list, doing multiple dares at once and trying to balance them, it doesn't go as well. Series dares, like the dates, are a lot of fun, but don't always end up going as planned, like in this case, where there was going to be a culmination dare on the birthday but we hadn't gotten that far yet, so...

Anyway, dares that I had:

Get someone to teach me to do a body shot.

Wear no bra or panties until I got dressed for going out, when I had to open your dorm room door completely, walk to the other side of the room and strip out of your clothes. Once in your birthday suit you may go and close the door.

At the party, you may not get your own drinks; you must have someone else bring them to you. For their service, male or female, you must reward them with a kiss. The first time, a kiss on the cheek, but if they bring you a second drink then a kiss on the lips. If someone earns 5 kisses, then you must take off your panties. If you are wearing a skirt (and you should unless it is just too cold) then you cannot use the bathroom to do so. If you wear jeans, then you can use the bath, but you must leave the zipper down until someone notices.

The no bra or panties wasn't a big deal, since it was a weekend, I usually spend a lot of time in pjs anyway, so I was wearing sweatpants and a tshirt and sweatshirt anyway. Comfy, if not super sexy, but whatever.

The getting dressed one... well... a bit pushy but not too bad. I think I pulled it off. I went into my room and closed the door as I was walking in, but didn't close it all the way and let it swing back open, I tried to make it look like an accidentally left open thing, although I don't know if I did, but then nobody was watching at the time to see the act anyway, but it made me feel better. I took my time undressing. I didn't have a lot to take off, so I folded everything as I took it off. I faced away from the door, partially because I didn't want to face it for obvious reasons, but also because I wanted to be able to pretend I didn't know it was open, and because I didn't know how much it had swung open and not knowing was kind of fun.

I don't know if anyone saw anything, but I'm pretty sure someone walked past while I was naked, but I don't know if they looked in as they went past or not. I don't know if others walked by, I heard some people in the hall, but I don't know if they walked past. Not knowing made it exciting, but I kind of wish that I'd had Becky watching or something, just so I could know after. Although not being able to know and having to wonder when I see people in the hall is also kind of fun.

I eventually turned around, after about a minute or two naked, and did a "holy shit!" and ran and closed the door. It felt a little fake to me, but at least if someone had been watching right then I could've pretended to be actually surprised or something. Once the door was closed I couldn't stop laughing.

We did the party on-campus, because on a saturday night everything is crowded and I like being able to talk to and hear my friends and all. I dressed up, half for birthday, half because I wanted to wear a skirt for the other dare instead of doing the fly thing. Which means staying in was also good, because outside is cold.

The kissing wasn't hard at all. The first few were easy, and after that I had gotten a little tipsy and I was being flirty anyway. I gave out a couple after the "thanks, kiss of gratitude" got a couple people to play along and find other ways to get them. But I got a free back rub out of it, and extra candy, so I'm not complaining. I may have given out a couple for compliments or being people I liked, haha. Also, I don't remember quite how it got started, but at some point I was demanding hugs from people randomly, and some may have gotten mixed in. It never got to a point where I had to take off my panties.

I did get someone to show me the body shot, although I didn't realize there were two ways to do it. I knew about the drinking out of the belly button thing. But apparently you also do it by licking the other person, salting where you licked, licking the salt, and then taking a drink. You're supposed to do it with lime, but we didn't have any so we skipped that. The guy who showed me was going to do it off my neck at the collar, but went for my cleavage when the time came, right along the top. It was surprising, which was fun, and I like bold, so I went with it, although back fired cause I got a little salt in my bra which is really annoying.

He offered to let me do the belly button one off him, but guys have hairy bellys and I didn't want to drink out of some guy's hair, so I made Becky let me do it. That got a couple cheers when she agreed (took a minute of convincing). It really didn't work so well cause the two of us were laughing too hard. We had to try a twice, and I still kinda messed it up and ended up making a bit of a mess. After that I couldn't stop laughing.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Daredone: Becky's study focus

(Note to clear up confusion, this took place during Isabelle's dare here)

We picked this dare from an old one from last year. It was actually for Isabelle, although we thought it was better for me, since I don't get to do as many and it fit so well with her date dare.

"When you are going to spend a few hours studying in your dorm room, every time your phone rings, somebody knocks on your door, or you get distracted some other way from your studies, remove 1 article of clothing. Keep going until you are out of clothes or finished studying for your final for the night."

We had to modify this slightly, but in a way none of you will mind. Since I had to be out of my room after the phone call, we moved this to a study room in the library. It was relatively private.

I was wearing jeans, sock, shoes, underwear, tee-shirt, sweater, bra, and a jacket. We intentionally had me wear a couple items more than Isabelle just to give her a chance when the phone call came. So I intentionally got distracted a couple times early on. Off with the jacket and the shoes.

Once I actually got into studying full on, it wasn't as hard. I'm used to working for long periods of time in the library, and I actually got to a point where I'd forgotten about the dare. Then I was thinking about the dare and got distracted, so sock off. That didn't last long, because I don't think anyone can focus wearing just one sock, so other sock off.

I was pretty comfy there, and satisfied that I'd win the game later on, unless someone else was getting lucky in literal and euphemistic ways.

I accidentally got distracted a little later on, I had to email a professor and got distracted by some other emails that had come in. I took off my sweater, which was actually not what I wanted to do. Now I was a little cold, so I moved over to the heater. I was sure I'd win now, but I also didn't want to get distracted, because then I'd be in trouble. I was unlikely to get caught, but you never know.

Becky called not too long after. I won, but a phone call was technically an interruption, so I had to take something off. At that point the only thing really safe was my bra. Fortunately, not much time left (half an hour) before I could go back to my room.

I almost made it, too, except some people were talking a little too loud as they walked past the door. I got a little annoyed, and then distracted, and then in trouble. There were no easy options left. I tried to think of them, too. Best I could do was get out of my jeans as fast as I could, take off my panties, and get dressed before anything happened. I managed it, but it was a bit of a panic. Intellectually, I knew I was pretty safe, but that doesn't fix everything. Once I was done, I was okay and safe. Bit of a rush though.

Once the time was done, and I got to a good stopping point, I got dressed, although I didn't want to take anything off to put on my panties or bra, so they just went in the bag, and headed home.

This one was calmer than the last solo dare I did. And I liked getting to use it against Isabelle. It was nice having more control over what happened, even if it didn't have as big a rush. although if something had gone amiss, I suppose it would've been harder to excuse maybe? That wouldn't have been good, but nothing did and I don't think it would've been likely to anyway. So, safe!

two quick things

Becky will get her post up eventually, might be a little late, sorry.

Also, I think what we'll do about the fantasy is if threesome wins I'll put Brad in charge of finding the other person, it will be up to him, that makes it easier and no weird decisions for Becky and I.


Last post for now, I promise.

Just a reminder, I've got that to-do list for my birthday that is very very very short right now. I either need more suggestions for it, or a really good dare/set of dares for my birthday party to replace it. December 11.

Possible change to the blog

So, we're looking at a possible change to how we do things on this blog. Sometimes suggestions are lacking, either because its a hard request, people are busy, short notice, whatever. Not your faults. not ours, just doesn't always work well.

Problem is, we really like the suggestion stuff. So here is what we're thinking of doing, we'd like input.

A Blog Master, or Masters (or mistress, mistresses).

This would not be a normal master/slave thing. This really puts you on the hook more than us. What you would do is when we don't have suggestions, like the max/min range for the last date dare, you would fill it in for us. So you would be our on-call suggester. We might open it up to change monthly or something, or have a couple people who have sent in good dares that might get the "We need help" emails. In exchange for being on call, you wouldn't have to compete. We ask for a needed suggestion, and you give us one, and we take it. This would only be for if nobody else sends one in, normal competition suggestions would work normally, its just for when you're on call. We may develop this more.

So some questions to email us about or answer in the comments, so we can get some discussions:
Would this be worth while?
Would you rather do a competition on a monthly basis, or just have a VIP group? Or something else?
Any other thoughts? Ideas? Either on the blogmaster idea, or a different idea to deal with the same problem.

Upcoming: Date Dare Step 4 (I think)

Okay, so this is the follow up from the last one. I have to try and convince Brad to go for one of the fantasies. The reason I needed three was because of how this one is going. The original dare was to have you guys vote on mine to get him to do, but one of the dangers of doing a series dare is that someone keeps adjusting it on me.

So, you get to pick one of mine and one of his. I'm going to make a poll, and you can vote, top in each group wins. I will ask him to do mine, and in exchange I'll do his.

A couple notes: I do not have a topless bar. So if that one wins... I don't know what we'll do. have him come to my room and serve him drinks topless or something, I don't know. Suggestions?

Some of the fantasies (two of them) require a third person. His threesome fantasy and the blowjob fantasy. Especially the blowjob fantasy may be hard to pull off. I don't know if we could find a guy, or if Brad would go for it. The threesome one, I know what you're all thinking, and it isn't likely. Becky and I are both straight, and convincing Becky probably wouldn't be easier than convincing someone else. Its my dare, so as long as I could convince someone, I... I don't know if I'd go through with it, but its not Becky's dare. We're holding off judgment in case it wins, but I'm not sure. Either I'm going to have to do a huge dare to convince Becky (and there's one or two thats been sitting by that might fit, if she could be convinced) or I'd have to find someone else, or we'd water it down a little, like "three person underwear make out party or something. Maybe suggestions?

Just warnings on those two if they win. Dares or suggestions relating to any or all are still welcome. Third post coming too, and the polls.

daredone: date step 3

Okay, so finally got to step 2 yesterday.

I had the following fantasies to share with him:
  1. I want to play strip Highcard/lowcard someplace public(ish)
  2. I want to give a guy a blowjob while he gives another guy a blowjob
  3. I want to paint a house topless
We over selected because we wanted at least three, so it wasn't a third of those that came in, we took as many as we didn't.

We also did not have a range of minimum/maximum, since nobody sent them in, so oh well.

We had this dare, for both Becky and I. you should set an alarm on your phone such that it will go off at some point during your date; Becky should not know when it'll chime. When it goes off you are to phone Becky and ask what she is wearing. If she has more items of clothing on than you do, then she must remove something (other than shoes or sox) right then and there. If she is wearing less than you are, you have to pay the price and take something off; again right then and there. She's not allowed to be in her room/apartment until 30 minutes after you phone.

Becky will write about her end and the other dare she did at the same time later when shes out of class.

The lack of range was disappointing, but I'll live. I liked the fantasies. The first one was good, right in line with the conversation from the last date. The second one I really liked, even if I don't think I'll be able to get him into it, but I liked the idea of "gaying" a guy. Especially if its something like, if a guy wants you badly enough he's willing to go gay to get you, theres all sorts of conflicting thoughts there and stuff, its just awesome. The third one I thought was fun, but I didn't realize until later that, since Brad (my date, not sure if his name came up in the last post) does a lot with crew in the drama department so it might be more plausible than I realized.

Okay, so date:

It went well, he seemed more interested in actually going this time. I did wear a low cut sweater, like I'd promised (nobody sent in suggestions for something crazy, I realized, but I think I made up for it).

The conversation went a little easier, I think cause there was less "first meeting" and we could talk about thanksgiving and stuff. He still was a bit quiet, but more willing to engage a little. He did ask if I was going to spend the whole thing trying to get him to put on my panties again, I told him no, he was safe this time.

The first time I asked him about his fantasies, he definitely did not want to talk about it. Even when I got him to be willing to, he didn't want to at the restaurant, so I pushed it off. There were enough people there that I could see his point (although it was late enough, we just did dessert, that there were no kids or anything, so...) but I eventually got him to, with some weedling. He did the "well, if its a perfectly normal conversation, whats yours?" So I shared the high/low fantasy and he laughed, and said that didn't surprise him.

The first one I got out of him was that he wanted a threesome. I mentioned my second fantasy he was like, no, with two girls. He didn't understand the second fantasy, even after I tried to explain it to him.

The other two he gave me was something like a topless bar and a strip tease from someone trying to seduce him. The last one I had to ask a lot of questions about to get the idea, cause he just said trip tease, and it seemed like a lot of cross over with topless bar to me. He didn't want a stripper, because someone who is getting paid, and a pro, and probably half fake didn't do it for him (although the topless bar didn't have that problem I guess?) he wanted it to be someone who really wanted to do the strip tease, and that he was the target, not just doing it for anyone who happened to be looking with money.

When the alarm went off to call Becky, I had him start driving back while I called, since I didn't want to be sitting in the parking lot just in case. This turned out perfectly, even though I lost. I took off my sweater, cause I figured, what the hell, I got off easy without the minimums or anything, and then I was a little horny anyway so I decided to take off the bra too. He was like "What are you doing?!" I told him I promised to do something crazy, and that he needed to keep his eyes on the road, which I had to keep reminding him and he was clearly a little frustrated.

I put the sweater back on when we got back to campus, but I "couldn't find" my bra. I gave him a really big kiss when we left, but I pulled away before he got over the shock too much, wanted to lead him on a little bit.

This date went a lot better than the last one, and the drive home topless was super fun. It was late enough that it wasn't a big deal, although I did kind of cover/sink down when one car might've had too easy a view, and I did put the sweater back on before it would've been a problem, but watching him go nuts was awesome.

I'll put up another post for step...4? whatever the next number is, I forget.