Sunday, January 30, 2011

Daredone: shower lockout

This was a simple dare, but I need to keep them up for the two week rule, which is actually working, so yay, but simple dares really help for that. The dare was to "accidentally" lock myself out of my room when I went to shower.

This one wasn't too hard to do, obviously. Locked the door, didn't bring the keys. Simple. I was wearing a towel, so while I was still wet and a little chilly, it was warm enough in the dorm that it wasn't too big of a deal.

I made a bit of a scene at the door when I "discovered" I'd locked myself out. This almost was actually a problem, because the normal things you do when you're frustrated at locking yourself out, like shaking the door, aren't as good when you're wearing a towel, and I had to stop to hold it up and keep it from falling.

The second problem was that the friend down the hall I was planning to ask to call security to let me in was not in her room either (or at least didn't answer when I knocked). And I didn't want to wake someone up by knocking on random doors. So I kind of walked up and down the hallway a bit hoping to hear someone awake in their room, but after a couple minutes someone came out into the hallway so I asked him to call security for me. He laughed, and we went into his room to call security. I didn't want to sit on his bed or anything and get it wet, so I just stood there a little awkwardly. He didn't stare or anything, but I could tell he was trying to subtly scope me out a little bit (to the guys: you know you're not nearly as sneaky as you think, right?).

Anyway, once he called he left to go get breakfast and I went to wait in the hall for security. Two other guys and one other girl came by in the meantime. Its hard to just casually loiter in the hallway in a towel, even if its obvious what happened, its still kind of awkward. You have to stand there, you can't really get into any comfortable positions, and everyone looks at you like "you're almost naked, one good tug is all it takes".

Eventually security came. He didn't make a big deal out of it, although he did ask if I had my student ID with me, which was a little dumb, because if I'd brought that to the shower, I would've brought my keys, so I told him it was in my room with my keys. He had to see it to let me in, so apparently the rule is he can open the door and watch as I go get it, I guess to make sure I don't steal anything if its not my room afterall or something. Which meant he had to watch as I had to crouch down to get it from the pants I wore yesterday. Which isn't easy in a towel. But whatever, I managed okay, and he wasn't bad about it or anything. I showed him my ID and he left.

All in all fun, a little embarrassing, but not in a bad way, the best moment was the "oh crap" moment when my friend didn't answer the knocking, and I had to figure out what to do. Watching the guy down the hall try to be sneaky about looking was also kind of fun/funny.

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