Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Daredone: Becky's VDay Report

My date was more of a mixed review than Izy's.

It started off good. He showed up in a sport coat and tie, with a rose, and was even somewhat charming. I had worn a strapless red dress. As much as I wanted to wear a bra again after having to suffer that rule, I wanted the points, and this dress did have some built in support, so not a total loss. I also skipped the panties, partially for the points, partially to avoid that dare. I didn't want to have to take them off and have my date notice. Might send the wrong message.

The date itself was mixed. The food was decent enough, the conversation was lacking. First, he wanted to talk about this bet we had, and assumed we had some sort of fight and I was trying to get back at her through him. Talk about vain. He started to get into bad mouthing her a little too. I don't know if he was just continuing the competition in the spirit of trash talk the other side, or trying to be funny by joking about someone we both knew, or even if he was trying to be supportive of me in the imagined fight. Whatever it was, I didn't like it, so I put a stop to it. He got a little pissy about it at first, and made a crack about me still being a bitch. I shot back about him being an ass. He then raised his glass to toast "to things that never change" and it was kind of funny, but I was mad so I didn't laugh at first, but he kept the toast hanging there and so I eventually gave in.

After that point we moved on, changed the subject, and started talking about less personal things, the school, the restaurant, classes. It wasn't anything amazing, but it was good enough. I knew what I was getting into, and so I was satisfied.

When we were leaving, I had a conundrum. I'd been thinking about it since the scale came out. There was a rather large pool of points to be had for the various stages of nudity. I could pretty strongly push my odds by sleeping with him, but I didn't want to sleep with someone just for points. I didn't have to sleep with him to get the points, but I really couldn't think of a plausible excuse for some level of nudity that wouldn't backfire. I also don't really sleep around or do one night stands, but he was hot and the naughtiness of the whole situation was... persuasive. I'd been leaning towards yes, but then at the beginning at the restaurant I'd been firmly in the definitely not category. By the end of the date I'd moved it a little bit back towards probably not.

I'd eventually decided against it. When we were walking back from the car he rather skillfully grabbed my ass. It wasn't one of those "I'm pretending it was an accident gropes" or a "quick perv squeeze" it was like a "This is nice. I will appreciate this for a moment" and then let go. It kind of cranked up the naughtiness dial and I said what the hell, have a little fun for once. It wasn't like it was a one night stand where I thought he might call me the next day. I knew exactly what I was getting into, and had no emotional attachment that would hurt, and he was hot. So I went for it.

Rose: 5 points.
41 dollars: 41 points
8 hours: 16 points
Red Dress: 5 points
His Coat and Tie: 5 Points
No Bra: 5 points
No Panties: 5 points
First to Get a Date: 10 points.
Bottomless: 25 points
Being Nude: 50 points.

Total: 167

NB: I did not count being topless, even though I could have been considered topless when I was nude because it seemed a little unfair when we were in the planning stages to allow it. If it would have made a difference, I might have pushed it. The bottomless was from borrowing his shirt at one point to run to the bathroom. The 8 hours points were a surprise bonus because I'd forgotten that time got points. I counted from when we left my room until I'd left his room as the whole date.


  1. You know, there ought to be a rule that a poll needs to be running when the two of you do a competition dare. It almost seems like Becky, knowing she's "winning" the popcorn dare poll, had an extra incentive to be competitive (even before the ending of the evening). :)

  2. Dave, seriously. Becky just took a list of big chunks of points, went for the kill, and diced Isabelly up like roadkill. It wasn't close. Wow...

  3. Glad I have fans. Think I get an extra prize for such a big win?

  4. Becky, I am SERIOUSLY impressed. Isabelly very cutely and coyly went about doing the competition. You just went down the list and grabbed 5 to 10 points at a time. No cutesy "thong for 1," just straight commando for 5. You got ALL the style points, trickily got your date early, etc, including a one night stand to lock it down. Damn. I'd be scared at crossing you if I was Isabelly.

  5. Congratulations and well done!! I must admit that I'd not have bet on your going for the big win the way you did. Kudos.
