Monday, February 28, 2011

Busy Busy

Hello everyone, We're still around, but very busy. Well, Becky is always busy, but I am also swamped with midterms and papers. And yes, I realize that just in time for this, the punishment set me to 1 week dares rather than two weeks, and one of the blog masters was apparently watching the clock counting down the minutes, and I have one of the required dares to be done.

I will try to get to it ASAP, but I'm also way behind on work, and sorry, that comes first. Soon. Also, will soon do the popcorn dare. And also, will soon explode.

Promise, just give me time, thanks.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Popcorn Masturbation

This was a quick one given to me today, inspired by the popcorn voting going on, that I decided to go ahead and do now.

The dare: Go make a bag of popcorn. Masturbate, with out stopping, until the popcorn is done.

It started off simple. I stuck the popcorn in the microwave, and then started masturbating. I turned to face away from the door, and facing towards the microwave, so nobody would know what was going on.

A couple people walked by, but no big deal. I started having to help myself stand with my other hand and leaning over the counter a big, because, well, it can get hard to stand still and upright when you're masturbating.

Someone I know did come by, and she recognized me. She must have thought I was sick, either because I wasn't standing upright or because my voice may have been a little shaky when I said hi (I didn't turn around). She asked if I was okay, said I was just a little dizzy all of a sudden, but I was fine. I didn't want her to come in and see what was going on, but I wasn't having the easiest time not being suspicious. Fortunately, the microwave dinged a moment later (surprising the hell out of me) and the dare was done. I was still a little bit on edge, but I could at least talk to her for a minute before heading back to my room.

Popcorn Dare Confusion

Just a quick update, because I just realized that I didn't fully explain the popcorn dare.

The dare will be one of us, wearing whatever outfit wins, to go pop popcorn. The trick, which I didn't realize did not get understood, was that the popcorn would have to be popped in the common kitchen that the whole dorm uses. Sorry I didn't make that clear.

Becky Dare Report: Shower Revenge

This was a follow up dare for Isabelle and I after her shower dare. A variation, and swapping sides: One day, when Becky is in the shower, Isabelle should sneak in and steal her towel/clothes and bring them back to her room.

Today we don't have classes. We were going to do the popcorn dare, but some of you have been having too much fun with the voting, so we're letting it go on.

But today Isabelle did decide to do the dare, or rather to make me do it. When I got out of the shower, there was no towel. I wasn't expecting it today, but I knew it was coming so it wasn't a huge surprise.

I hung out in the bathroom for a little bit. I was hoping someone would come in who could loan me a towel or something, but after a couple minutes nobody came in and I felt a little awkward being the naked girl loitering in the bathroom. I figured maybe if nobody was coming in, nobody was around in the halls and it would be safe, so I peeked out. Its hard to get a good view when you're just opening the door a slight bit, and you can only see one way.

I decided not to risk it, and I went back into the bathroom and stole the shower curtain from the shower I was using. I wrapped it around myself and hurried back to my room. A few people (2 guys, one girl, in a group) saw me as I went past them and stared, I just shouted "sorry, someone stole my towel" and ran into my room. I tossed on some clothes and brought the shower curtain back.

I know I kind of went against the spirit of the dare. And it wasn't as exciting as other dares, partially because of how I cheated, but especially knowing it was coming. I may have to up the ante in future dares.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

VDay Bet Dare Picked

Just a quick update: I dropped the crazy bondage with friends dare. All of the dares that got picked were scary, but also ones that I've kind of been dying to do. That one was the hardest to pull off though, and would require the most prep, so I decided to put it off some more. Someday, I promise, but it wasn't going to be soon and I wanted to get the bet over with. Also, its damn scary.

Fortunately the die roll hit on unbuttoning date, probably the easiest of the three. I will post about it soon, but just so you know, its coming, although it might not happen right away, since it does require a date and all.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Post VDay Dare: Becky Won

I won, so Isabelle made me do the post write up, just to let you know the fall out.

My winnings:
Isabelle now has to do a dare every week (not two) or else be subjected to the blog masters' wrath. We'll probably only keep this up until spring break, since it'll get more busy after spring break and doing one a week might not always be as practical, but we'll see how she does. My winning, up to me ;-)

For the next week, starting today, Isabelle will do her homework in my room in her underwear. If she's nice, I won't open the window and let the cold air in.

She will also do one of these three dares soon:
  1. Crazy bondage with friends dare
  2. Unbuttoned date dare
  3. Repeatedly changing clothes dare
She gets to toss one out, and then flips a coin between the other two. But, we also decided to add one more twist. Tell us your least favorite in the comments. If enough people don't like one, and she gets it, she will re-flip once. If she gets it again, the second time, thats it, but it lets you tilt the odds a bit.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Daredone: Becky's VDay Report

My date was more of a mixed review than Izy's.

It started off good. He showed up in a sport coat and tie, with a rose, and was even somewhat charming. I had worn a strapless red dress. As much as I wanted to wear a bra again after having to suffer that rule, I wanted the points, and this dress did have some built in support, so not a total loss. I also skipped the panties, partially for the points, partially to avoid that dare. I didn't want to have to take them off and have my date notice. Might send the wrong message.

The date itself was mixed. The food was decent enough, the conversation was lacking. First, he wanted to talk about this bet we had, and assumed we had some sort of fight and I was trying to get back at her through him. Talk about vain. He started to get into bad mouthing her a little too. I don't know if he was just continuing the competition in the spirit of trash talk the other side, or trying to be funny by joking about someone we both knew, or even if he was trying to be supportive of me in the imagined fight. Whatever it was, I didn't like it, so I put a stop to it. He got a little pissy about it at first, and made a crack about me still being a bitch. I shot back about him being an ass. He then raised his glass to toast "to things that never change" and it was kind of funny, but I was mad so I didn't laugh at first, but he kept the toast hanging there and so I eventually gave in.

After that point we moved on, changed the subject, and started talking about less personal things, the school, the restaurant, classes. It wasn't anything amazing, but it was good enough. I knew what I was getting into, and so I was satisfied.

When we were leaving, I had a conundrum. I'd been thinking about it since the scale came out. There was a rather large pool of points to be had for the various stages of nudity. I could pretty strongly push my odds by sleeping with him, but I didn't want to sleep with someone just for points. I didn't have to sleep with him to get the points, but I really couldn't think of a plausible excuse for some level of nudity that wouldn't backfire. I also don't really sleep around or do one night stands, but he was hot and the naughtiness of the whole situation was... persuasive. I'd been leaning towards yes, but then at the beginning at the restaurant I'd been firmly in the definitely not category. By the end of the date I'd moved it a little bit back towards probably not.

I'd eventually decided against it. When we were walking back from the car he rather skillfully grabbed my ass. It wasn't one of those "I'm pretending it was an accident gropes" or a "quick perv squeeze" it was like a "This is nice. I will appreciate this for a moment" and then let go. It kind of cranked up the naughtiness dial and I said what the hell, have a little fun for once. It wasn't like it was a one night stand where I thought he might call me the next day. I knew exactly what I was getting into, and had no emotional attachment that would hurt, and he was hot. So I went for it.

Rose: 5 points.
41 dollars: 41 points
8 hours: 16 points
Red Dress: 5 points
His Coat and Tie: 5 Points
No Bra: 5 points
No Panties: 5 points
First to Get a Date: 10 points.
Bottomless: 25 points
Being Nude: 50 points.

Total: 167

NB: I did not count being topless, even though I could have been considered topless when I was nude because it seemed a little unfair when we were in the planning stages to allow it. If it would have made a difference, I might have pushed it. The bottomless was from borrowing his shirt at one point to run to the bathroom. The 8 hours points were a surprise bonus because I'd forgotten that time got points. I counted from when we left my room until I'd left his room as the whole date.

Dareddone: Valentines Dare Report

So I'm going to try and fit everything in here, but theres a lot, so stick with me

I never know quite how to start. Obviously at the beginning, I can just never write it so it sounds good.

Becky and I did a comparison of outfits for the "most exposed bit" I'm going to let her describe her outfit in her post, but I won. My outfit was a black skirt (with a thong to avoid pantie line) and a red halter top with a small keyhole neckline. I wanted to look nice, and get points, but I'd also sold it as a casual, so I couldn't get much. But I liked the halter top, no bra for points and bare back means hard to beat for exposure.

After the comparison, I had to change though, for part of my plan (because I'm a super genius). When my date arrived, I was wearing just a bra, and had a number of tops laid out on my bed. I let him in and apologized, I was still deciding what to wear. I made a show of thinking about it for a moment, asked his opinion on one shirt, then decided on the red halter top, asked him to look away and slipped off my bra and into the halter top. I got him to tie it behind the neck, just as a little extra perk for him.

He also brought me a couple chocolate candies. Not a box or anything, but still counts. He was wearing a nice shirt and corduroy slacks.

We went out for Chinese (it was kind of an inside joke, lots of times people working shifts at the library around dinner order chinese so its a library workers thing). I completely forgot about the dare for calling Becky, but I did remember the one (I think from the comments) about telling him about something I did in the library. I didn't tell him about the whole dare, but I did mention that I'd been topless in the library (during the scavenger hunt dare). He looked pretty shocked, and wanted to hear about it. I told him it had been on a dare, and it was a huge rush but I was scared like hell of getting caught. He joked, "next time do it while I'm on shift, I'll come watch... keep watch, I mean, you know, for others"

We chatted about dares a little bit from there, he wanted to know if I did that often "Because if so, I need to pay more attention when on shift." I mentioned that I've done them occasionally, just goofing off with friends. He told me a couple stories of stuff he'd done on dares (mostly eating something disgusting, although he had a funny streaking story where he'd gotten lost after a wrong turn). I couldn't help laughing, partially because of his funny stories and jokes, but also because I was comparing it to my last dates, from the old dares, and how much easier and fun this was when the other person actually engages you.

When we got back, he said he had fun and we should do it again sometime. I gave him a goodnight kiss and he said "and we should definitely do that again" so I giggled like someone who doesn't know what to say (I suck at flirting when its real) and gave him another quick peck and went into my room. I thought of inviting him in... but I had too much fun, and especially with the prospect of future dates, I didn't want to go there yet. (Becky would have a snarky comment here, tell her to shut up)

10 for the chocolates
4 points for 2 hour date
54 points for spent
3 points for his dressing business casual
3 points for my top/skirt outfit
5 points for no bra
1 point for thong
10 points for most exposed
10 points for a dare
25 points for being topless
Total: 125 Points

PS: How was a goodnight kiss not worth points? My blogmasters are all pervert, no romance

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentines Day Update

Before I talk about my date, I want to say, I love how the popcorn dare is going. Becky, meet Karma, she's a bitch. I want to do something in honor of the amazing defeat Becky is suffering, but I haven't thought of what yet. So just gloating for now.

Now for the valentines day dare. Before I talk about my date (again) I want to share a little bit about Becky's date, and a couple things people have said: First, I am not upset at all. I know poaching an ex is incredibly bad form, but this isn't one of those cases. I am definitely over him, and was never not-over him (I was going to say under him, but that has different meanings and I can't say those were never true). It was a short fling a while ago, fun but definitely not a long term thing. It was also a second, very short fling that lasted until I found out he was cheating on his current girlfriend with me. And Becky never liked him, so no hard feelings, just surprise (although for those of you who offered to plan a revenge dare for her, yes, I'm very upset ;-))

Now, my date: I will be going out one of the guys who works in the library with me. I was trying to butter him up a little, and talked about how I was going to get someone to go out with me on valentines day just for fun, not serious, maybe even go all out and have an overly sappy romantic holiday to make the other daters feel uncomfortable (because if it was just casual, there would be no way I was winning). He said it sounded like fun when we were talking about it so I asked if he wanted to be my date.

Even if I do lose, I like this guy, he's funny and really fun to hang out with when we have shifts together, so I know I'll be enjoying my evening more than Becky.

If anyone has any suggestions for overly sappy things to do to make other couple uncomfortable or feel inadequate, I would love them (phrased as a dare, for points?)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Becky's Valentines Day Update

I wanted to make an important announcement. I have secured my date for Valentines day.

I talked to one of Isabelle's ex-boyfriends. Since it was before the start date, I suggested he ask me out for valentines day and he did. I didn't want to say anything until the last minute before the start date so that Isabelle couldn't use the same trick.

I explained it wasn't anything serious and I wasn't interested in actually dating him (He's hot, but also a jackass), but that Isabelle and I had a bet and wouldn't he love the opportunity to annoy the ex? Honestly, I think there was also a little bit of left-over "want to sleep with my girlfriend's best friend but I can't" swimming around, but anything that motivates him to help me win.

Also, I noticed I've got more votes than Isabelle on the poll right now. Go vote for her. I officially endorse her.

Valentine's Day dare and popcorn updates:

Vday first:
For the stakes, Becky and I picked out the dares.

If Becky wins, I will do one of these
  1. Crazy bondage with friends dare
  2. Unbuttoned date dare
  3. Repeatedly changing clothes dare
If I win, Becky will do one of these
  1. Crazy bondage with friends dare
  2. Strip walk dare
  3. Sexy laundry dare
Not going into a lot of detail on those for two reasons, one or two have a couple details that need ironing out, and we wanted to tease you a bit.

Additionally: Added dare: While Isabelle is on her date, if her date excuses himself to use the bathroom (or for some reason leaves Is alone for a few minutes), before Isabelle has the need to excuse herself, then Isabelle may text either the word 'panties' or 'bra' to Becky. Becky, if you get such a text, you have 5 minutes to take off the indicated item (could get sticky if you're driving round), take a picture of your bra or panties off of your body, and send the pic back to Isabelle. Of course, you'll need to keep them off for the rest of the evening. Isabelle, if you have to excuse yourself for the loo before your date, then Becky is safe. You can text 'safe' to her, or let her sweat for the rest of the evening wondering if the dare text will ever come.

Popcorn dare:

I think we've got enough, waited long enough, the polls are going up. We're going to trim the options a bit to try and keep it streamlined, not have too many, redundant ones.

Remember, the way this will work is we'll put up two polls. One for who, one for wearing what. They'll run for a long time until we get a chance to do the dare. Then we'll pick one at random, the more votes each gets, the more likely it will be picked.

So stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Popcorn vote dare update

just a quick note about the popcorn vote dare:

Outfits were meant to be actual things people wear. While we got a good laugh out of the giant list of food suggestions, thats a lot more involved than this is meant to be. The idea was that it would be somewhat embarrassing to get caught, but not completely ridiculous. Remember, we're in a co-ed dorm with a lot of people.

What we have so far:
  • Bikini
  • Towel
  • Raincoat
  • Very Long shirt
  • Wet shirt
  • Babydoll/nightie
  • sports bra+sweat pants
Just wanted to clear that up and organize what we had so far, still accepting suggestions, we'll probably make this poll soon.

VDay Wager Dare

So Becky and I are both currently single and Valentines day is coming up. So we decided to have a bet on who can get a date/the better date. It is still being designed, so I will edit this as needed.

Winner will be who ever gets a date, or if both do its determined on a scale that was a combination of blog master's suggestions:

  • 5 points per rose received from the date.
  • 2 points per non-rose flower received
  • 10 points if chocolates are received
  • 1 point per dollar the date spends on you during the date (dinner, movie, etc.)
  • -½ point per dollar you spend on the date during the date
  • 3 points per hour (round down) the date lasts
  • 5 points Date wearing a suit & tie (or jacket & tie)
  • 3 points Date wearing khakis/business casual
  • 5 points Girl wearing a: sexy red dress (above knee, plunging neckline)
  • 3 points Girl wearing a: top and skirt above knee, or other dress
  • 1 point Girl wearing casual clothing w/ skirt
  • 5 points Girl wearing no bra
  • 3 points Girl wearing a sexy bra (pushup, with padding)
  • 1 point Girl wearing a "nice" (lace, etc.) bra
  • 5 points Girl wearing no panties
  • 3 points Girl wearing g-string
  • 1 point Girl wearing a thong
  • 10 bonus points to which of you makes their date first
  • 10 bonus points to which of you wears the least / is most exposed by the clothes you wear to your date, not counting coats
  • 10 bonus points per dare done during the date
  • 25 bonus points for being topless in front of your date at any point during the date
  • 25 bonus points for being bottomless in front of your date at any point during the date
  • 50 bonus points for being nude in front of your date at any point during the date
  • and 8 secret bonus points to whichever of us can keep track of it all
    We'll accept rules for getting dates (things like who or how, etc) posted in the comments.

    Winners and Losers:
    A couple stakes provided by the Blog Masters (more will be added if they come in)

    If we both get dates or only one date:
    • We will each pick three dares from the backlog for the other. Loser gets to veto one, but then has to flip between the other two. Will post these choices once we actually make them.
    • Loser's dare schedule has to be cut in half (see the previous posts about blog masters, Becky becomes 2 weeks, not four, Isabelly becomes 1, not 2)
    • Loser has to do homework for the next week wearing no more than her underwear in the Winner's room.
    If only one date:
    • loser has to play lady-in-waiting and help the winner get ready while wearing only sexy underwear, and greet the winner's date with a hug and kiss when he arrives.

    If neither one of us get a date:
    • We go on a date with each other, really act it up and whoever does a worse performance buys the emotional ice cream for eating later that evening.
    Misc stuff:
    Until a date is gotten:
    • no bra or panties
    • no orgasm
    • edge when waking up and going to bed (can knock it down to one or the other afterwards)
    Any dares submitted for these dates are appreciated (since they're worth 10 points!) but please keep them small and simple. Thanks!