Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dareddone: Valentines Dare Report

So I'm going to try and fit everything in here, but theres a lot, so stick with me

I never know quite how to start. Obviously at the beginning, I can just never write it so it sounds good.

Becky and I did a comparison of outfits for the "most exposed bit" I'm going to let her describe her outfit in her post, but I won. My outfit was a black skirt (with a thong to avoid pantie line) and a red halter top with a small keyhole neckline. I wanted to look nice, and get points, but I'd also sold it as a casual, so I couldn't get much. But I liked the halter top, no bra for points and bare back means hard to beat for exposure.

After the comparison, I had to change though, for part of my plan (because I'm a super genius). When my date arrived, I was wearing just a bra, and had a number of tops laid out on my bed. I let him in and apologized, I was still deciding what to wear. I made a show of thinking about it for a moment, asked his opinion on one shirt, then decided on the red halter top, asked him to look away and slipped off my bra and into the halter top. I got him to tie it behind the neck, just as a little extra perk for him.

He also brought me a couple chocolate candies. Not a box or anything, but still counts. He was wearing a nice shirt and corduroy slacks.

We went out for Chinese (it was kind of an inside joke, lots of times people working shifts at the library around dinner order chinese so its a library workers thing). I completely forgot about the dare for calling Becky, but I did remember the one (I think from the comments) about telling him about something I did in the library. I didn't tell him about the whole dare, but I did mention that I'd been topless in the library (during the scavenger hunt dare). He looked pretty shocked, and wanted to hear about it. I told him it had been on a dare, and it was a huge rush but I was scared like hell of getting caught. He joked, "next time do it while I'm on shift, I'll come watch... keep watch, I mean, you know, for others"

We chatted about dares a little bit from there, he wanted to know if I did that often "Because if so, I need to pay more attention when on shift." I mentioned that I've done them occasionally, just goofing off with friends. He told me a couple stories of stuff he'd done on dares (mostly eating something disgusting, although he had a funny streaking story where he'd gotten lost after a wrong turn). I couldn't help laughing, partially because of his funny stories and jokes, but also because I was comparing it to my last dates, from the old dares, and how much easier and fun this was when the other person actually engages you.

When we got back, he said he had fun and we should do it again sometime. I gave him a goodnight kiss and he said "and we should definitely do that again" so I giggled like someone who doesn't know what to say (I suck at flirting when its real) and gave him another quick peck and went into my room. I thought of inviting him in... but I had too much fun, and especially with the prospect of future dates, I didn't want to go there yet. (Becky would have a snarky comment here, tell her to shut up)

10 for the chocolates
4 points for 2 hour date
54 points for spent
3 points for his dressing business casual
3 points for my top/skirt outfit
5 points for no bra
1 point for thong
10 points for most exposed
10 points for a dare
25 points for being topless
Total: 125 Points

PS: How was a goodnight kiss not worth points? My blogmasters are all pervert, no romance


  1. Well, if a goodnight kiss had been on the points list, wouldn't that have invited different points for what kind of kiss, etc.? You wouldn't want the bonus points for keeping the points straight to not be possible to achieve, right? :)

    Sounds like you had a good night, and perhaps have uncovered a future partner in crime. ;)

    Now, the question on everyone's mind -- what was Becky's score?

  2. Loved the write-up, seriously clever effort to weasel a few points here and there. Seriously great effort in the spirit of the dare.

  3. Nice job, but it seems you just lacked the killer instinct on this one. I certainly understand you're wanting to not ruin the future.... maybe one of your dare-a-week dares will have to be in the library when Mr Coworker is on the job to watch your back ;)
