Monday, February 21, 2011

Popcorn Masturbation

This was a quick one given to me today, inspired by the popcorn voting going on, that I decided to go ahead and do now.

The dare: Go make a bag of popcorn. Masturbate, with out stopping, until the popcorn is done.

It started off simple. I stuck the popcorn in the microwave, and then started masturbating. I turned to face away from the door, and facing towards the microwave, so nobody would know what was going on.

A couple people walked by, but no big deal. I started having to help myself stand with my other hand and leaning over the counter a big, because, well, it can get hard to stand still and upright when you're masturbating.

Someone I know did come by, and she recognized me. She must have thought I was sick, either because I wasn't standing upright or because my voice may have been a little shaky when I said hi (I didn't turn around). She asked if I was okay, said I was just a little dizzy all of a sudden, but I was fine. I didn't want her to come in and see what was going on, but I wasn't having the easiest time not being suspicious. Fortunately, the microwave dinged a moment later (surprising the hell out of me) and the dare was done. I was still a little bit on edge, but I could at least talk to her for a minute before heading back to my room.


  1. Aww, the microwave should've waited with that ding just a little bit longer ;)

  2. Then I would've had to explain to my friend why I was masturbating in the kitchen. That would have been AWKWARD!
