Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dare Upcoming: Birthday Make-Out Gamble

So this is another one from an email.

The Dare: Choose a stretch of time to make out with as many people as you can. (People you've ever kissed before don't count.) Then, on a predetermined day or evening after that, you have to spend the whole day/evening wearing the same number of articles of clothing as people you kissed.

We decided to do one week, from this Friday to next Friday, for two reasons, one my birthday is next Friday, and I'm having a small part Friday night so that makes it perfect for the end of the dare, and because Becky is a bitch and wanted to start it this Friday so it was a day AFTER my date and I couldn't use my date for points. And, since I can't repeat kiss someone, I cant prime him on the date and then use him again.

Note to all people giving dares: If there is a subtle way Becky can be mean about it, but I wont realize it until after she convinces me to accept the dare, she will definitely push for that dare.

Anyway, I'm posting this now because I wanted to ask for help on this one. I'm normally pretty shy around people, at least those I don't know very well. I've never been one to have surprise makeouts, except once in middle school. So I'm looking for help. How does one go about this? I can't just walk up to people and say "hey, wanna make out?". Okay, I can, but thats not my first choice.

UPDATE: Just because it has come up... It has to be a full make out, not just a quick kiss.

UPDATE: Some of you asked: Feel free to send in other dares for my birthday party. I'll let you know when there are final plans, but right now it "something casual Friday night, December 11th". Probably hanging out with cake, maybe going out for ice cream.


  1. At one point does the kiss count? Just a quick peck on the lips, or a several minutes oral exploration?

  2. Oooh, I'm excited you're doing this one!

    During the week, it might be hard to add to your total. This weekend, though, if you go to the right kind of parties, you might be able to dance with some guys and then give them a thank-you kiss afterwards. That's the only suggestion I have to offer, and for the sake of your readers and the people coming to your birthday party, I hope it's not TOO helpful!

  3. A quick way that will get most guys to agree for a kiss is to tell them about the dare and I guarantee they will say yep - no problems :) Your problem will be having to wear soo many clothes :) Maybe you can alter the dare so that Becky can only ware half as many clothes as you do!

  4. It has to be a full on make out, not just a quick kiss. I thought about parties, I don't usually go to parties of people I don't know. I'm actually a little nervous about this one, I'm not the most forward girl, but if I don't get over it, I'll end up going to my next birthday wearing what I wore to my first. Not really an option.

  5. "I also wouldn't mind some that included me making out with cute boys."

    Regret that comment yet?

    Anyway, you'll have to learn real quick how to be a "forward girl". Just make sure the guys you umm... "target" are single and you shouldn't have a problem. At least until the next time they see you and the'll expect the same treatment.

    Sean's right, just say you have been dared to make out with guys you don't really know well. At least you don't need to wear the dental floss for your birthday party.

  6. yeah, no idea what I was thinking when I said that

  7. I think Isabelly has this too easy, and Becky is getting way too much enjoyment with no risk. Too easy for Isabelly since one makeout session is enough for a dress to cover her completely.

    I propose the folling additions if Becky is willing:

    First) Becky will wear shoes, shortish skirt, stocking/garter betl, top, bra and panties.

    Second) Isabelly, you said you loved dice games, so this is for you: For every 2 items of clothing she decides not to wear, Isabelly must roll a dice to determine what 3 articles of clothing she can wear (reroll dice on repeated clothing).
    1) Shoes
    2) Stockings/Garter Belt
    3) Skirt
    4) Panties
    5) Top
    6) Bra

    This would mean Isabelly would need to make out with 6 people to ensure she's fully clothed. If less than that, Becky has the option to remove some of her clothing to make Isabelly's clothing more random. Isabelly gets to select any items she wants that Becky elected not to randomlly roll for, assuming she has enough kisses for it.

  8. Hmm... I can't seem to edit my own posts. so update:

    I added a piece of clothing to Becky (went from 5 to 6). So instead of for every 2 pieces she takes off, it's for every 1 she declines to wear Isabelly gets 1 roll.

  9. I don't understand how this is intended to work. She takes something off and I roll for what I can wear? I guess I just dont understand this part.

  10. Lets say you kissed 3 people. You get 3 items of clothes. If Becky takes nothing off, you get to pick the 3 items (top, skirt, shoes, panties, or bra, depending on your evening plans). If she takes 1 piece of her clothes off, the dice picks 1 of your 3 pieces, you pick the other 2. If she takes off 3 pieces of her clothes, you roll the dice for all 3 pieces you get. If the dice comes out shoes, bra and top, you may not like it. So this is mostly to give you an incentive to kiss more than 1 person. Kiss enough people and you wouldn't even have to worry about this.
