Saturday, December 12, 2009

Report: Birthday

Hey, sorry this is later than I expected. My parents surprised me and came up to celebrate my birthday today and I'm about to leave soon so this will have to be quick.

Okay, so I only got two points (thanks to all of you who voted no on Tom's point). Becky decided to go easy on me, and only make me roll the one dice. It landed 6, which wasn't my first choice, but it could've been worse. I eventually came up with a solution, however, that made it work. I wore a sports bra and sweat pants. Not the sexiest outfit ever, but nobody seemed to mind, and I still got some long looks from some of the boys so... It counts as a win.

We didn't go out, we stayed in and watched movies and had ice cream and cake and it was fun. Not a whole lot happened, although those long looks got longer once it got later and I got cold, especially ice cream. Most of you understand what I mean, the rest of you will when you're older. It was actually kind of fun. I personally pretended not to notice. Or tried to, until Becky decided to point it out. Then I couldn't pretend not to notice and had to pretend to not care, which got some interesting reactions but people moved on quickly. It got more fun as it got late and we were sleep deprived, which made the movies funnier, and we were all being giggley and flirty and silly.

Anyway, I need to run, seeing Tom tonight, which reminds me, none of you sent in dare competition ideas. Also, nobody sent in dares for Becky over finals (I think we got one)... is nobody reading anymore? Or just nobody interested in sending in dares? Are we too intimidating? Just curious.


  1. We are reading, well I am reading! I think part of the problem is that it is "crunch time" for everybody. Whether it's school or work it's either the end of the semester or end of year and so most are scrambling to wrap things up. Add into that the holiday shopping for some and the bottom line is that we're all burning the candle at both ends.

    Sounds like you enjoyed your birthday and seems to me that you did an end run on that dare -- that's a complement as I think some of the fun of doing the dare is out smarting the dare giver a bit and making it a bit easier than they intended.

  2. yeah, I'm going to hit the crunch hard soon. Just wanted to make sure I hadn't bored people out of here. I feel bad when I can't do people's dares all the time and I want to make sure people aren't getting mad and giving up on me.

  3. Love reading! Definitely crunch time, plus I'm not great at thinking of dares. I'll try to send you more as I think of them.

    And I definitely thought the way you'd manage with this dare would be to get 4 or 5 points. Didn't think it would play out this way at all. I'm quite amused...and quite curious what would've happened if you'd rolled for shoes.

  4. ... And you keep refering to Becky as a bitch. You're gonna have to be nice to her for awhile.

    Nice work on getting around the 2 items. Next time I offer up suggestions/dares, I'll make it a little more air-tight. :)

  5. Love reading the threads! Just not that inventive to figure out some new dares to do... Hopefully something really good will pop into my head soon :-)

  6. I don't think anybody is bored, and we certainly understand that you cannot do every dare, and the ones that you are able to do cannot be done the instant they arrive.

    Personally, I have difficulty thinking up dares when it is cold out -- I know it's winter where you are. Even if the dare is inside, it can still be chilly and to me that can make the whole event less fun.

  7. Since you have finals coming up, it might be a good idea to finish all the tests that you have to do earlier than planned. 15 minutes in advance at least.
    For each minute your are later, go to the bathroom after the test and remove the same amount of clothes. On the way home you have to stay in this outfit. (so in case you finish 5 minutes before the end - this means remove 10 pieces).

    Loads of options; Finish on time, Overdress (get some additional items on prior to the test), or go home feeling chilly!!
