Friday, December 4, 2009

Report: Movie Date

So I had an awesome night. I just got back and I guess it was a good thing I gave warning I might not be able to post until the morning, although I'd thought it might just be because I would be tired when I got back and want to sleep.

So Tom (my date) arrived around 6:30, Becky had mostly finished laughing at my outfit, but she started up when he saw it and was trying to react. I told him it was late in the semester, we're going to see crappy movies, and I was felt like doing something fun. I tried not to make it sound sexual, but in that outfit I think anything I said would've sounded sexual. I was also pretty damn horny from the edges, so that might've not been helping.

We went to see 2012 after all. The crowds going into twilight were enough that I didn't want to go see it. Theres something about a bunch of people who love the movie that ruins a crappy movie. Especially when a bunch of those people were middle aged women who already gave me dirty looks.

2012 was crap. Absolutely. It was also a bit boring, which wasn't so good because it wasn't distracting, so I was just sitting there horny and nervous. I couldn't sit still. Tom and I were talking about the movie a lot, and making fun of it, so that helped a little.

At one point near the beginning of the end (when everything starts falling apart) I mentioned that the movie couldn't even make stuff blowing up exciting (this was part of my plan for the dare). He said that he was impressed that they could make giant explosions boring, which was what I was hoping he'd say. My plan was to say something awesome like "well, lets find something else fun and exciting until the explosions are done" when I pulled his hand over for the dare, but I was way too nervous. My heart was beating huge and I couldn't breathe. And I was really horny. My brain does not work in those conditions. Eventually I managed to grab his hand and draw it over (which was hard cause my hand was shaking) and put it on my leg just at under the hem of my skirt and say something like "is this better?" I nearly jumped when his hand made contact, even though it was my fault.

He looked over at me for a second then smiled and looked back at the movie. I thought he thought I was joking until he started moving his hand. He has really nice hands. He kind of rubbed and ran his fingers along my thigh and I have no idea what happened in the movie after that point. They did keep rising, slowly, which was good and bad. I liked that he was being a gentleman, but on the other hand I was so horny I wanted to jump him right there. He must've known I was enjoying it because I was having trouble sitting still and staying quiet, especially when he got pretty high on my leg. I'm sure he was enjoying himself too.

When the movie ended I made him take me out for ice cream. He seemed surprised and asked if thats what I wanted to do now (I think he thought I had other intentions, which at that point I did). I tried making up some reason but apparently I lie like shit when I'm horny. I broke down and explained that I had a bet with Becky about making out with people, and I was trying to stall him until after midnight so it would count when I made out with him. He looked shocked at first, but laughed all the way to Friendly's. I was glad he took it well, because I figured that the "I want to make out with you" in addition to "I also plan to do lots of making out this week" with my outfit and what happened in the movie theater (and the thoughts running through my head) I'm sure I seemed like a complete slut.

Ice cream was good, he teased me about the make out thing and we talked and I couldn't sit still but it was fun and I couldn't stop laughing. I must've seemed drunk or high or both. Writing about this all now is a little embarrassing.

So we went back to his room after ice cream (I know what you're thinking, I was thinking it too). I was still really nervous but so giggly and horny and so many things I really wasn't sure what you'd call it. It was like 11:30 or something when we got back and he started to kiss me as soon as his door was closed and at first I went right along with it and then I was like, "its not midnight yet" and he said something sexy like "close enough" or maybe he didn't and I just imagined it but we were making out and did I mention he has amazingly good hands. The thin shirt did not stay buttoned for long, and I'm still distracted from writing thinking about his hands on me. He was a decent kisser but his hands were so awesome. It might just be how horny I was, but if he ever wants to use those hands on me again, my answer is yes please (although I'm not telling him that, and Becky is totally not allowed to either).

I feel like I shouldn't be writing about all this, and I'd intended to stop sooner, but I am getting horny just retelling it. I'm going to stop though because I feel like I should respect his privacy, but I think it says enough that I got back just a little bit ago and now I need to get ready for class.

Oh, and I need to ask: does that kiss count for my gamble? Becky says no since it was before the Friday but I say it was close enough. I agreed we could let you all decide. I'm not going to put up a poll or anything, just comments and if any of you agree with me I'm calling it a win for me and she can shut up! Okay, I'm still hyper and horny and I have class! so Bye!


  1. Sorry, but I agree with Becky on this one. Close enough doesn't count in this case.

    ... Besides, he probably made sure it was before midnight so it wouldn't count so he can find out what happens next Friday.

  2. Wow, what a date! Hot writeup, too. Thanks.

    I gotta go with the kiss not counting; sorry. I suppose your karmic retribution for trying to skirt Becky's intentions by waiting until midnight is that not only are you still at 0, but you might now be too into this guy to want to kiss too many other people. Oh well, will just make your birthday more interesting!

    Have a fun weekend!

  3. Definitely a hot write up. Nothing like hormones and youth to make for a fun time. We all look forward to more hot write-ups!
