Sunday, December 6, 2009

Report: Make out gamble 1st point.

Okay, I guess since nobody posted in favor of my make out with Tom counting, Becky wins and I hate all of you. I'm so mad that I'm shutting down this blog forever. Just kidding.

I'm still a little disappointed, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Anyway, a couple things:

First, Cur proposed some changes to the gamble (thank you soo much).

Before I talk about these changes, I'm feeling kind of sarcastic right now, I'm not feeling mean, not even cranky, just... sarcastic. Its not that I don't love all of you, just that every now and then I can be a bitch. Its a constitutional right for all american women.

So anyway, helpful changes.

Cur proposed that Becky wear the following outfit: shoes, short(ish) skirt, stocking/garter belt, top, bra and panties.

Then, for each item I get to wear at my birthday, she can either choose to let me pick the item, or take off one of her items and make me roll a dice to get a random item. The dice/items are as follows:
1) Shoes
2) Stockings/Garter Belt
3) Skirt
4) Panties
5) Top
6) Bra

Becky has already decided that at minimum one item will be random, since she has no problem not wearing stockings or a garter belt. Lucky me. That means I need at least two makeouts, since no matter what, one item from that list will not be enough.

With that in mind, I have a report (this post may be long, I'll try and keep it short but there are a few things)

I got one make out point last night. It was at a generic weekend event where I can never really figure out the point, just people getting together and listening to loud music and drink and so forth. I'm not big on those sorts of things, but I figured it was an easy opportunity, and I could remain fairly anonymous. This was a good and a bad idea. The hard part was mostly finding someone available. I wanted someone off to the side, not in the visible middle, but I also wanted someone not drunk because I wanted to avoid the taste and general grossness. Tip to boys: drunk is not sexy. The guy I eventually found had had a few, but was not drunk, seemed kind of socially awkward type and was kind of just sitting by the wall staring at people. I tried to play a little drunk (I suck at it, I need tips). and flirted with him for a minute before going in for the kiss. It was really easy, but he was terrible. I don't know if it was inexperience or the booze or surprise or what but he was not a good kisser. I pretty much took off soon after. I had originally thought I might try to get a few, but that kind of put me off.

One other thing though, at the party there was a girl who I don't know but I've seen around. She had this awesome gothic dress (or matching skirt and top, not sure, couldn't see her too well) that was just absolutely sexy. I want one. Or maybe a dozen. It was kind of like the stuff you see in hot topic, but quality instead of cheap crap, and less emo skanky and more classy sexy. Definitely hot. Does anyone know where to find this kind of stuff? If so, please please please let me know, I totally want.


  1. Since you've not really been lucky with the makeout dare - If 5 more people comment with "I Agree" you should be allowed to earn additional points by touching the bare ass of the guy you're making out with! :-)

    See how many "Agrees" you're getting...! So that you might actually be wearing something on your birthday...

  2. Good luck, this is a combination of being a funny harmless dare and pretty serious with the serial making out, etc. I'd be nervous about not getting a few items nailed down, as there is plenty that she could give up and leave you VERY exposed.

    Loving the blog!

  3. Before I forget: You're very welcome.
