Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dare done: Mall Buttons

This one is going to be hard to write out, because Becky didn’t keep as good track of what happened as she should have, but I’m going to do my best from what she did keep track of on her phone.

We started when we actually got to the mall, first roll was a 4, she said unbutton, so I undid the top button, since I usually undo that one anyway. Also, I should note, that since there was the change made, that we agreed Becky wouldn’t be forcing any rolls unless I was just getting too lucky, since it was probably going to be a lot worse anyway.

Second roll 20 minutes later was a 6, which made me undo the bottom button too, not sure what roll, obviously a one or a two. Still, not bad. I was pretty safe with just these.

I got a safe roll next, I think that was a 3 but I could be wrong. I got a 4 after that, which Becky said I could get away with, since it was still early. She shouldn’t have, from her point of view, since I rolled a one next, but it was too late.

I got a couple of safe rolls for the easiest time we were there, I only had the top button undone. We’d been out for almost 3 hours so far, halfway through and doing pretty well. Which was damn lucky, given the oh-so-kind modifications.

Then there was a 5/6 undo roll, ended up being a top button. That was starting to get a little risky, but nothing I couldn’t get away with, just something that would get a lot of stares. You could see a little bit of bra from the right angles, but nothing too bad. I didn’t mind so much, kind of upped the excitement level.

And it didn’t last long anyway, since the next roll was a 1. Safety again.

I had another safe roll, then a 4. Becky said I’d gotten too lucky, and made me unbutton something, I did the bottom one, since that was the easiest, and I’d been there before.

I got another undo roll next, and got to choose what to undo on this one, so I undid another top button. I thought of undoing the second bottom one, but I’d discovered the second top one wasn’t too bad, so I went with it. It wasn’t any riskier than I’d been, since every button that was unbuttoned had been unbuttoned at some point already, so I felt pretty safe. Except for having to keep rolling. We were only like 4 hours in so that was a bit scary, and the fact that the next button was going to be a bit scarier was also a bit of a rush.

I got a 4 next, and Becky was not so kind. So there went my second bottom button. This was fine standing still, but walking was a bit of an issue, it would flap open a little bit, I’m not sure you could see panties, but pretty close. Definitely inner thigh. So I tried to walk slowly and stand still as much as I could.

The next one was another undo, a 6, I remember, because I used one of my re-rolls on this one (since I still had an hour and only 3 buttons left, I had the top two and bottom two undone, couldn’t quite afford another). Unfortunately the next roll was also a 6, and so no good. I didn’t think that was fair, and still somewhat suspect Becky cheated her phone thing, but she won out, so I lost another top button. Bra was definitely visible now, especially if I was moving or you were at the right angle. It didn’t stay too closed, and I was definitely getting stares at this point. Huge rush, but I would’ve liked a way to earn back buttons or at least have been about to leave.

The next roll was the same thing, 6, re-roll, 6. I didn’t bother rolling to find out what I’d have to undo, I wimped out. Any more buttons and I’d be a bit... over exposed. So I wimped out and we went home. We didn’t make it to 6 hours, and I know we were supposed to make it 6+ but... Well, you do it!

It was fun while it lasted, but I think this one was very luck dependant, especially with the messed up odds. I would’ve rather had to undo more earlier and had more of a chance to redo them, so I spent more time on the edge, rather than being mostly safe for most of it then getting nailed at the end. That’s all luck based, someone who is better at math should tell me how to make that happen. Or just my original idea of some way to force a rebutton or something. I don’t know. It was definitely still fun, and looking back I wish I hadn’t wimped out, but spur of the moment... eh. Confused.

This one would also be really fun on a date. Maybe with the odds changed. Just a thought, not a request.

1 comment:

  1. (I know I'm late on this, but I just discovered this blog...)
    I thought that you were not supposed to wear underwear...
    still pretty cool.
    Anyway, I propose a punishment: next dare that involves unbuttoning or nudity, no covering up or holding clothes closed.
