Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dare Done: Bound to Homework

Hello, Becky here this time, for my first official dare. This was a dare that we designed, inspired by Isabelle's last dare and adjusted by the two of us with some help from someone over the meebo chat. I don't know who it was, so let us know so you can get your point.

I had a pile of reading to get done for class, and would be meeting with classmates coming to my room to review when finished. I was behind on the work and would probably be a little rushed before the planned meeting time.

This was the dare: I was going to be tied, naked to my desk chair, with extensions on my wrists so I could still read. When I was done, I could use my cell phone to call Isabelle to come untie me. My clock was hidden and covered. The other half was that we turned up my music, left the door unlocked, with a note on the whiteboard telling the classmates to come on in when they arrived. The theory was, if I finished in time, I would be safe. If I didn't, I would have to wait until one of my classmates arrived to untie me, and I'd have to use some excuse like "lost a bet" or "prank gone bad".

I had about an hour and fifteen minutes from tie up until the scheduled get-together. I had enough work that it would be pushing it, but chances were that if I didn't dillydally and didn't run into any problems, I could make it. I at least figured I could skip over anything I didn't quite get and talk to my study group when they arrived so it wouldn't be a big deal.

The first however many minutes were terrible. I couldn't tell time because we'd hidden the clocks, so I spent a lot time in thought trying to remember how long different songs that were playing were, and a lot of time telling myself, "OK, just get this reading done and you'll be fine. No problem, only 25 pages. No big deal, halfway done this page already, 50 times this, plenty of time, no worries" and trying to psych myself up and not actually reading.

The second stage was panic. I didn't know how long I'd spent, and realized I'd been wasting time and not reading. I'd also lost track of how many songs had played and realized I could've killed 20 minutes on a little over 2 pages.

Once I got over the panic, I actually kind of got into it. I'd kind of burned through most of my ways to distract myself already, and being tied to the chair, I didn't really have other options. From that point on I was actually very focused and powered through the reading. There was a bit of a panic at a section break where I came out of the focused at first thinking, "wow, I powered through that," and then thinking, "crap, how long did that take me?" I wasted a couple minutes thinking "I should never have agreed to this" before I dove back in.

When I finished I also lost time doing the congratulatory self-praise, feeling lucky I'd finished safely before I realized I needed to call Isabelle to let me out. When her phone went to voice mail I wanted to kill her, but she walked in a moment after so I let her live. I actually made it with just under ten minutes to spare.

I really liked this. I didn't enjoy it as much during the dare, but I felt so good after I was done and dressed. Having made it, with time to spare, and nobody the wiser, I felt powerful and excited. My study group thought it was strange that I was so psyched for review, but I told them I'd just had a good day. During the dare had been exciting and a rush, but not in a way that was specifically good or pleasurable. It was like almost getting into a car accident and narrowly and luckily getting through unscratched and having the reaction of, "That scared the hell out of me, but now I know how bad-ass I am!"

Although, looking back, this really was a bit riskier than I first realized, and I shouldn't have agreed to it. I like it more when Isabelle is the one over the barrel ;-).


  1. That was me on Meebo, apologies for not introducing myself properly.

    And I think the only way you'll avoid the minor negative reaction is to do more. You'll get more used to them, and you'll have a better idea of what you're getting into. Not to say Isabelle shouldn't be over the barrel more either...

  2. Glad to see you back. On a whim, loggd on, and saw a bunch of posts.

    Given the voicemail trick, I think you get a bonus point for going this far outside your comfort zone.

  3. this was a long time ago, I know, but this is a great dare--my favorite. well done!
