Tuesday, October 5, 2010

forgive me?

So I had some personal crap going on, and then I got distracted and kept putting off the blog, then I didn't have the motivation to come back, and then summer hit and whatever, I'm a horrible blogger.

So... I'm back in school now, I finally got up the courage to come back and face my humiliating "sorry I disappeared" moment. Becky and I have been talking about starting this back up...

If anyone still reads this, forgive me?


  1. Welcome back! So what have you been up to? Or, more importantly, what do you want to be up to?

  2. Thanks! New school year and everything that comes with it, but I think we're going to try and get this blog back up if theres interest. And Becky is actually going to have to participate this time.

  3. I'm also glad to hear that you're back.

    Don't worry about having fallen off the wagon. It happens sometimes, and if you're OK, that's the important thing.

    Still have your dare list? :)

  4. Dave, I forgot just how many you sent in. I'm going through some of the old dares now. There's a couple that I forgot how much I wanted to do.
