Friday, October 8, 2010

We're back!

Okay, so we finally did decide to restart this. Here's the plan:

We've still got the "how to dare pages up" and we may need to edit those, we'll see. But we're going to do things just like before, email us dares, (we may give Becky her own email, not sure if that will be easier or harder, thoughts?) and feel free to post rewards or punishments in the comments if we did very well or very badly. (I don't remember if we set up consistent rules for these, may need to double check that).

We will be jumping right back into dares, want to keep the momentum going. We still have the old dares I think, but they probably need to be sorted through and remembered so they may not be on the top of the list yet, but we will get to them, promise. In the mean time, feel free to send new dares.

We'll try to do one this weekend, maybe an old one, maybe a new one if someone sends one in soon enough. We've also got Halloween coming up, so opportunities there for dares. We're also trying to think of a sort of "apology" dare we can do for disappearing, but we don't have any ideas yet. Maybe another voting dare or something? If you have ideas on that too, let us know.


PS: I can't seem to get the meebo thing to work. Not sure why, but I don't show up as online.


  1. Personally, I'd love for you to do the laundry room dare again.

  2. Again? Not sure I'd do the same exact dare twice, but if we altered it a little I could give it another go.
