Saturday, November 21, 2009

Report: Laundry Dice

So, we eventually decided that I could only re-roll if part two had me walking down without at least being somewhat covered. The first time I rolled ended up with me going down in nothing but socks and a thong, so I rolled again. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not that brave yet.

So the rolls:

Part I: 5

Part II: 2, 4, 4, 5, 4 (Short skirt, bra, thin shirt)

Part III: 4

Part IV: 5, 1, 6, 4 (shirt and bra)

These results were not the best, but doable. Certainly better than going to the laundry room in nothing but a thong and hanging out naked for almost two hours. At least this one I'd have a skirt.

Okay, so it was still scary.

We waited until almost 10, figuring that would be late enough that nobody would be doing laundry. We (mostly Becky) picked out a short skirt, kinda clingy with slits for me to wear, plus a black bra and a thin tank top.

So I was terrified and nervous, but also quite excited. I grabbed some laundry, went to the basement for the laundry room. There were some clothes in there from people who hadn't picked up their stuff (which was normal, some people'll leave their stuff in there for a long time, so I hoped they wouldn't come get it until tomorrow morning). One girl was in there, getting some of her stuff. I stalled as I was putting stuff in the washer, hoping she'd leave before I had to put the last two items in. She was still there when I finished putting all the stuff I wasn't wearing in, and I tried stalling more, but Becky gave me an evil look so I just went for it. The girl kind of gave us a weird look as I took off my shirt, but she didn't say anything so I guess she just figured. Fortunately she was leaving so she wasn't there when my bra came off.

Then there was waiting. Okay, I thought it wouldn't be so bad, being in a room in the basement, door closed, Saturday night... it wouldn't be worse than something like walking around in my skanky outfit earlier this week. I was wrong, its terrible. You're sitting there, trapped, just waiting. And Becky did not make it easier. She didn't think I should be allowed to cover up with my hands, and she kept threatening to open the door. I eventually agreed to not cover, but I was going to face away from the door and cover as soon as I heard something. I was very jumpy and very shaky and lots and lots of adrenaline.

So, the worst part: When I was changing stuff from the washer to the dryer. First, I had to bend over to move stuff, in the mini skirt with no panties. Then, I had to use my hands to grab stuff, so I couldn't cover. Then, some guy from the dorm walks in!

Scared the shit out of me, I screamed so loud. Which of course startled him. I had some wet clothes in my hands which I held against my chest to keep my covered (btw: COLD!) and at first he started to apologize for scaring me then he stopped and stared at me for a second and asked "are you topless or something?" I nearly died. It was one thing for him to walk in, another for him to ask and force me to admit it. So of course I said "no".

It was pretty obvious I was lying, I was holding a few crumpled up wet clothes over my boobs, so all I could've been hiding was maybe a strapless bra. maybe. So Becky helpfully said yes while he stared and I just stood there shocked. She explained that my stuff got spilled on and it was in the wash. He was like "oh, okay" and just stood there. I think he didn't really know what to do. After a minute, Becky said, "don't worry about us, go ahead and do what you need to do". Remind me to kill her. When she starts doing dares, you are all encouraged to send her hang out with guy you barely know topless.

So she gives me the look again and whispers at me to get back to the laundry. Okay, if theres a way to keep covered doing this, I don't know what it is. I couldn't keep my back to him, because I was bending over in that skirt, but I couldn't do anything else. I tried my best to do it one handed and use the other for cover until I could hold the clothes in the way and take them to the dryer where my hands would then be free. It would've worked, but I was so nervous I was shaking and kept dropping stuff too. I think I managed to do okay, but I don't know what he saw. I don't think much, but its possible he saw a little bit. I don't plan on asking.

So he took his time and finally got his stuff ready to leave, and I'm finally got my stuff in the dryer and am covering up, and he keeps dropping stuff and picking it back up and trying to rearrange stuff. Its pretty obvious he's stalling, since he's looking at me when he's picking stuff up. Becky couldn't stop laughing. I was having trouble breathing. He also left the door open when he left, which I had to go up and close.

The next hour was mostly uneventful, and after a little while I managed to calm down and just hang out with Becky waiting for the laundry to be done. When it finally finished I grabbed my stuff out of the dryer, put my bra and top back on and brought everything back up. Passed a couple people in the hall but I didn't look too out of place and they didn't look like they noticed anything odd.

I'm still a little shaky, but mostly calm now. Definitely exciting, and in retrospect kind of sexy. I'm sure the guy who came in thought it was sexy watching me, although again, I'm not asking him, and doing my best to avoid him for a while. Fortunately, I think this will make tomorrow morning with the poll outfits easy.


  1. Well done!! Lots of kudos as I'd put that as a very difficult dare. very nice write-up too. As for Becky, she surely owes you one.

  2. Wow, that's a great dare. Nicely done.

  3. Actually, I'm pretty sure you made that guy's night. I wouldn't be suprised if he will be doing laundry every night for the next month just hoping to catch you there again.

  4. Really cool your doing all this stuff and updating this on your blog!!! Keep up the good work ;-)
